Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Web

Display: Visual tools for the socio–semantic web

Seeking models for scientific visualization applications of massive data (neurons of the cerebral cortex) he disfrutado con el trabajo de Moritz Stefaner y su Masters Thesis “Visual tools for the socio–semantic web” (.pdf, 12MB)
In his bibliography is defined as a person interested in the representation of information:


FUTURE CREW During the early years 80 produce, Westernized world, significant household penetration of computers with limited graphics capabilities. It's the time of the “sprites” and k's in units of measure. Teams like “Spectrum” or “Commodore 64” usaban el televisor como dispositivo de… (leer más)

What is LOD?: Level Of Detail

The realization of complex scenarios and games with high realism demands the use of sophisticated techniques that avoid saturating the bandwidth available on graphics cards.

Reducing the number of polygons to represent one of the priority objectives for improving performance.

Una técnica que permite representar un objeto con un número de polígonos que depende de la distancia del objeto al punto de observación se denomina LOD (Level Of Detail)

En este artículo profundizaremos en estos conceptos que permiten optimizar la representación de complejas escenas con gran realismo.

Cartagena365, Careta de entrada

There are initiatives that add richness to the network and allow their expansion more universal if possible. They may be funded or performed by large economic groups individually; in the latter case they deserve our special appreciation. From the first day of January, and uninterruptedly, We have enjoyed a new window… (leer más)

Metric Geometry [Experimental Blogs]

This page links to content published selected blogs innovative educational experience. Esto es una selección de los trabajos que han publicado el último mes los grupos que se han formado para dicha experiencia. I hope you like his extraordinary contribution to the educational world. The beauty of geometry… (leer más)

Earthquake in Chile : First time on the net

Bandera Chile

Collection of links about the Earthquake in Chile and possible Tsunami, updated throughout the day. Extended to the valuation by the media and the new produced from Sunday news 28 February. Chile(Wikipedia) Imágenes wikipedia LISTA DE LUGARES DONDE COMPRAR PROVISIONES Mapa colaborativo de Comercio LISTA DE LUGARES DONDE COMPRAR PROVISIONES Establecimientos comerciales… (leer más)

Internet Censorship: Australia, Blackout

08 Oct 2009 Australian ISP sued by the users off the sus 15 December 2009 Australia follows the steps of China on Internet censorship 21 December 2009 China and Australia censor the Internet 19 Jan 2010 Google censorship in Australia 20 Jan 2010 Australian Internet protest against government censorship blackout… (leer más)

Internet is a matter !

Gaia is a living world. Gaia behaves as a self-regulating system (that tends to balance). Internet is the nervous system. Each person in the network represents a neuron. One blog, therefore, is the expression of a neuron!!!