Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Technology

Educate playing with impossible figures


Impossible figures can be real simple objects that produce optical illusions obtained by proper perspective.

Use from the educational point of view can be justified in requiring a detailed analysis for understanding.

They can also be approached as a challenge for the student who can compete with others in an educational game object identification. Do not forget that play activities encourage interest in the learning process, entertain and arouse curiosity for the study of new cases: Learning enjoying.

Technical Drawing with QR codes for the project INNOVABLOG

Social networks with content repositories can be conjugated establishing production and communication environments adaptable to new educational paradigms, wherein the asynchronous access time provide a better utilization of the resources.

El Tangram [School]

Among the experiences of using educational blogs we do with our students, I was struck by the number of items that have been included in those aspects “recreational” have been developed with great frequency elements.

The geometry is present in all of them and is a motivating way to approach your knowledge. In this case the group “Able Arc” presents a classic puzzle consisting of elementary steps.

Percepción: Test the dancer [School]

I rescue a new work of my students in educational innovation projects involving training with their blogs. In this case, the group “Geometry Hicks” nos aporta un interesante enlace sobre aspectos de la percepción basados en las leyes de la Gestalt, called “Spinning Girl” or “Test the dancer”, con una ilusión óptica.

What looks like a fern, the coast and a snowflake?

The work done by my students in educatica innovation projects to improve teaching by incorporating new technologies, I want to highlight one that includes a very topical issue, and transcribe literally. Fue publicado originalmente en sus blogs durante el curso 2009-2010. Fractales por Catetos de la Geometría… (leer más)

My students work on the Blog [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

During these days the bridge, I will publish a series of works made by my students in the elective subject “Gráficos por ordenador” of the EUITA of the UPM, as part of an innovative educational experience we are doing, in which incorporate the Blog as a tool for the dissemination of knowledge from… (leer más)

Proyecto “Neurona”

This post aims to show publicly a development project I am carrying out the social network Twitter. Its purpose is to inform the community that I relate to an activity of scientific interest in which people are participating indirectly you share my space (TL).


It is possible to innovate educationally with limited resources. Metodologías activas de bajo coste pueden resultar muy eficientes educativamente, siendo un campo de investigación de los GIEs (Educational Innovation Groups). In times of crisis, imagination is more important than intelligence (A. Einstein). Este texto es un extracto de un artículo de innovación educativa y… (leer más)

Metric Geometry [Experimental Blogs]

This page links to content published selected blogs innovative educational experience. Esto es una selección de los trabajos que han publicado el último mes los grupos que se han formado para dicha experiencia. I hope you like his extraordinary contribution to the educational world. The beauty of geometry… (leer más)

“We are not Hicks: Proportionality” [Blogs experimental]

I present another “Educational Blogs” involved in innovative educational experience that develops in the EUITA. The choice of name (similarly to other groups submitted) asocia los lados de un triángulo pitagórico (Hicks), namely, un triángulo rectángulo, con los constituyentes del grupo. El doble sentido de… (leer más)

Técnicas Dinámicas y Aprendizaje Transversal y Competencial en Grupos Numerosos de Alumnos: Proyectos de innovación educativos

The dynamic training in many groups is a task that requires specific strategies to achieve. The difficulty of organizing experiences in a dynamic group of over 40 or 50 school, creates a rejection to the Alarm incorporate appropriate educational techniques. Esto se produce especialmente en los grupos de primer curso que… (leer más)