Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Education

Blender as an educational tool : FLAME

Tool applications typically exceed the limits for which they were originally conceived.

Blender is designed for computer animation how to make majors: Pixar, Disney …

Sin embargo, motivated use hands we are showing lines of application that can be handled individually. One of them is presented below: Use as a tool to create an educational presentations.

Animating pieces of technical drawing

The three-dimensional figures normalized representation is performed on the teachings of Drafting, mainly during the school, can be proposed from still images, solid or animated images represent models. Depending on the complexity of the model and the learning phase in which the student is… (leer más)

Cuts in education?? Not, thanks !

I do not dispute the need to tighten their belts in a society with economic difficulties, quite the contrary. There are moments in life when we must cut our expenses to achieve ambitious goals.
What I do argue is what is the game you must make the effort saver. Advisors?? Representation expenses?? Cars of politicians?? Olympics?? …. Clearly there are many economic items that seem to be completely dispensable and, however, our politicians do not seem to substantially reduce them.

Intersections in outlook: straight and cuboids

One of the classic problems of representation systems is to find the intersection of two elements, such as determining the intersection point between a line and a plane. Topological nature are problems in which the concepts of belonging prevail.

The problems are based on topological relationships are independent projection type in which they are.

Determinación de un segmento conocido su punto medio [Solución]

Al plantear un problema de geometría métrica podemos abordar su resolución con diferentes estrategias. para ilustrar uno de estos métodos vamos a resolver el de determinar un segmento del que se conoce su punto medio junto con otras restricciones adicionales.

En particular analizaremos el caso en el que los extremos del segmento se encuentran situados sobre dos circunferencias coplanarias de radio arbitrario.

Determinación de un segmento conocido su punto medio [Statement]

An interesting metric geometry problem that can enlighten the way to find solutions is to determine a segment of known its midpoint with additional restrictions.

And that a segment is determined by its ends (colon), in the plane need four values (simple data) to set their Cartesian coordinates.