Blender 2012 Halloween Pumpkins Halloween Pumpkin in Blender A first work of modeling from a simple example that has coincided with the feast of halloween this course. We approach to the concept of facets and introduce basic materials to create a nice scene that motivates the course work. The didactic base unit is called “Halloween Pumpkin in Blender“ Pumpkins of my students (I) Pumpkins of my students (II) Pumpkins of my students (III) Pumpkins of my students (IV) Pumpkins of my students (V..) Pumpkins of my students (VII) Pumpkins of my students (VIII) Pumpkins of my students (IX) Pumpkins of my students (X) Pumpkins of my students (XI) Pumpkins of my students (XII) Pumpkins of my students (XIII) Challenge to the perception Anniversary of Andy (Android) and design partner Modeling Andy (Android) con Blender This new work introduces us to a model with different parts which may be subsequently animated. An Android robot is the theme chosen for practice, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the creation of the Android language. The creating a character to accompany you is the objective of the study Andy (Android) y su novia (i) Andy (Android) y su novia (II) Andy (Android) y su novia (III) Andy and Drod (Android) Andy y sus amigos (Android) Andy (Android) y su novia (IV) Android girl Aniversario Android (I) Andy and Dyna on the fifth anniversary of Android Aniversario Android (II) Andy House (I) Andy (Android) y su novia Andy (Android) y su novia Andy (Android) y su novia (VII) Stage for Andy Andy (Android) in the office with a Mac Andy (Android) a fruit eating a Mac-zana Postal de navidad Taking advantage of the Christmas holidays we have commissioned a work on a classic theme, a wallpaper that we serve as postal electronics to congratulate at this time to the most beloved. Max Schwenzer Diana Ferriz Sergio Carrasco Gil Vicente de Sola Mario Gonzalez Sardonil Jorge Gregorio Zaplana Cesar Luis Gonzalez de Mendoza Luna Adrian Echevarria Lopez Angel Luis Sanz Vilaverde Andrés Pérez Castrillo Nicolas Robert Merchan Marcos Sanz Alba Ruben Dungeon Nikolay Dragoev Evolving work VIDEOS Saturn V El Salto, Felix Wormgartner WhatsAppCompartir en TumblrTweetStumbleUponE-mailMorePocketBitacorasMeneamePrint