Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpapers

Postal de navidad (X) [ School ] [ Blender ][ Trabajos ]

Este es el trabajo de navidad del alumno Andrés Pérez Castrillo. This work has been to make a Christmas card made with Blender, Pudi to be used as wallpaper in these Navid. This work will assess the development of their learning in the first two months of computer animation course. Postal… (leer más)

Postal de navidad (I) [ School ] [ Blender ][ Trabajos ]

This is the work of student Max Schwenzer Christmas. This work has been to make a Christmas card made with Blender, Pudi to be used as wallpaper in these Navid.

This work will assess the development of their learning in the first two months of computer animation course.

Pumpkins of my students (XI) [ Blender ]


New work from the series “halloween pumpkins” within the course of computer graphics and animation we are doing.

A late delivery even, since we revasado halloween date, serves to not be a pumpkin note, Instead of learning the basic editing techniques and lighting with the engine cycles.

Pumpkins of my students (X) [ Blender ]


By putting the title of this series of papers to create a pumpkin had a dual purpose. On the one hand, logically, the title should communicate the contents of the page but, also, wanted to send a message to my students and use it as joke in class.

“When that does not work send me Pumpkin …. I put it”.

Put a pumpkin on education has always been understood as putting a “zero”, suspense.
So, after