Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Plaza Mayor

90 years 284 kilometers

Today marks 90 years since the inauguration by King Alfonso XIII of the first section of the main means of transportation in the city of Madrid. Eight stations between Cuatro Caminos and Puerta del Sol were the embryo of a network that currently has 284 kilometers of track by the daily passing of two and half million citizens.

The day after

Night out in Madrid. The streets filled with people eager to celebrate the Olympic bid. Have not we won? As we celebrate that has earned Rio. El caso es disfrutar de una noche en el foro, de copa en copa, hasta la madrugada. Hoy ha amanecido la ciudad desierta. Los despertadores amordazados por los trasnochadores… (leer más)