Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de enero 2011

Visualizar 3D PDF en Chrome

A few days ago I published a PDF with 3D content (a three-dimensional mechanical element). In reviewing the content to start a series of lesson plans for my students “Technical Drawing”, I could see, horrified, that had lost the ability to rotate the piece. In his stead, se mostraba un dibujo plano con la perspectiva del… (leer más)

3D Animation, Files: Save images with textures [Blogs experimental][ Blender ]

When saving a file as we have seen in the Blender tutorial containing textures formed with images, stored the geometry and the structure of data you keep it but them images.

Instead of storing the texture and the image that it defines, stored the structure rationale and the different images are sustituyen sus absolute address for the relative.

Flowers in the Market Arenal de Sevilla [Imagen][ photo ]

La flor es la estructura reproductiva característica de las plantas llamadas espermatofitas o fanerógamas. La función de una flor es producir semillas a través de la reproducción sexual. For plants, the seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means through which the species are perpetuated and spread. (W) I love flowers; sus… (leer más)

3D Animation, Efectos: Create a Halo [Blogs experimental][ Blender ]

A halo can be classified within the lighting elements, or be considered a special effect. We have seen an example of using this technique as in the case of Halo of the Sun; we will see how to define and how to adjust some of its parameters. La clasificación tiene sentido para la organización del interface… (leer más)

What size has a vane? [image]

The blades of a jet engine can be of different sizes, ranging from a few millimeters in engines designed for model to three feet in major aeronautical turbines. Here you have a photo taken in the “Engines Laboratory” aviation schools (EIAE) of UPM. Comparar el tamaño… (leer más)

Paddle [Imagen]

Blade is referred to each of the curved vanes of a hydraulic turbine wheel or. The blades are part of the gas turbine, las turbinas of Vapor, turbochargers, fans and other rotating equipment. (W) La función de los álabes es la de “empujar” el aire (como las palas de un ventilador) a una cámara… (leer más)

3D Animation, Animation: Creating a Path [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

A Path is a 3D curve used to define the path to be followed by an object in an animation. Let's see how to create the curve is a guide to the trajectory of an object to animate both position and for your guidance; para ello realizaremos… (leer más)

Morphing : @ Lavozdeunagata [ Sqirlz Morph ]

A morphing with a new avatar of Twitter. Pau (lavozdeunagata) with a kitten of the family I met last summer. Pau's blog is full of images of funny cats purring nonstop, colorfully and a nice realization. @lavozdeunagata Soy el reflejo de mis deseos, intense and passionate, woman day,… (leer más)

Calendar 2011 International Year of Forests

Ecologists in Action has a page where we have the most important days 2011 with events or events that are planned for the International Year of Forests. In addition to the dates cited, We offer a beautiful calendar that you can download in PDF format to print download. Between the dates that… (leer más)

DrawWorld ! [JAVA]

We started a series of articles that introduce the JAVA programming language directing its focus to the production of applets with graphical content. The framework of a blog is especially useful for testing, environment and twitter (su API) pueden servir para ilustrar su aplicación en el acceso a los datos disponibles en las redes… (leer más)

Comb in crisis [Advertising picture]

In the play "Clouds" of Aristophanes, on 423 before Christ, playwright showed his animosity toward Socrates. In this comedy, a rustic character, a peasant uneducated, is surprised to learn of the existence of the dactyl verses explaining the poet. El labriego piensa que al hablar de dáctilo Sócrates se refería… (leer más)