Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de enero 2011

L37R45 3N 3L 54H4R4 # letrasenelsahara [Marathon][Imagen]

L37R45 3N 3L 54H4R4 #letrasenelsahara Una propuesta de @costampla “Marathon” to support the initiative of @ jsanz “#letraseneldesierto” has triggered a storm that has populated desert lyrics, twitter has been abuzz with phrases poetry to be found “in the rough” in the order that has been lashing the TL. The initiative, que ha… (leer más)

Manual Writing Chinese Characters [Book]

One of the aspects that has seduced me of Chinese culture is your writing, given its graph. One of the most distinctive features of Chinese culture is its writing system, logográfico source, similar in this respect to Mayan and Egyptian systems. Chinese writing consists of thousands of symbols, called… (leer más)

Atocha Roof [Imagen]

Atocha Roof

The Atocha station or noon, located in Madrid, is the largest rail Spain. It is the first railway station in Spain on domestic, and the second on international routes, only surpassed by Barcelona-Sants. It is not a single station, sino que a raíz de la reforma integral a la que fue sometida… (leer más)

3D Animation, Animation: Qué es un Path? [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

A “Path” computer is the path or direction you will find a file but what is Path animation? A Path is a 3D curve used to define the path to be followed by an object in an animation. El objeto puede mantener su orientación de forma constante o adaptarla para… (leer más)

Instructions Impossible

This mount meets three elements exist impossible to have been composed as an illustration of a technical manual. Perspective manipulation, Gestalt laws governing the perspective, the use of elements “real quasi”, allow deceive the senses as this interesting image. ¿Sacada de un manual de Ikea? Not, but… (leer más)

Rotor [Imagen]


A helicopter rotor is the rotating part of a helicopter aerodynamic lift generated. The helicopter rotor, also called the rotor system, typically refers to the helicopter's main rotor is mounted on a vertical mast on top of the helicopter, although it can also refer to the tail rotor. A… (leer más)

#letrasenelsahara [1] [Imagen]

logotipo #letrasenelsahara

Javier Sanz nos presenta con “Letters in the Sahara, born on the network and leads to the desert” una iniciativa de colaboración con el proyecto Bubisher (a mobile library for refugee camps). Books are needed to cover the project, financiación para los gastos de envío hasta los campamentos y para su último proyecto “Biblioteca Pública… (leer más)

Lichen [Imagen]


Lichens are organisms consisting of symbiosis between a fungus and an alga or mycobiont cyanobacterium called ficobionte. La asociación de estos dos organismos puede ser muy variada pudiéndose diferenciar varios tipos estructurales muy diferentes desde el más simple, where fungus and alga is associated with by chance the most complex where micosimbionte… (leer más)

A year ago Are we interested earthquake Haiti?

One year ago in Haiti earthquake. I remember I lived glued to the computer looking for information that would publish sparingly in the first moments of the event. We have provided only a small part of what we promised the countries most likely. Hoy veo la gráfica de tendencias del segregador y… (leer más)

Calendar 2011 Via @ oscarcillo

I will not deny that produces laziness return trip vacation to academic life. Alarm clock, classes, meetings… a tight schedule for the coming months. Estrenamos un año nuevo, 2011, as the calendar moves his numbers in a repetitive dance that brings notoriety to the seven days of the week. By… (leer más)



It's called graffiti (taken from the Italian plural word graffiti, graffire) painted the various forms of inscription on painting, usually on street furniture. The Royal Academy of the Spanish language designated as “graphite” una pintada particular, and its corresponding plural is “graffiti”. También se llama grafiti a las inscripciones que han quedado en paredes desde… (leer más)