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Graphic PIZiadas

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Archivo de enero 2011

Growing is Forever [Video]


The International Year of Forests is a great source of inspiration for the various arts. Kallie Markle writes a beautiful letter that has become a delicious video on forests entitled Growing is Forever from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo. The original letter can be found on the Blog of Kallie. After the video here… (leer más)

The Catenary [Photos]

Catenary curve describing a chain suspended at its ends, sometida to a uniform field gravitatorio. The word derives from the Latin catenarius (own chain). By extension, in mathematics is called a catenary curve that takes a string, cuerda the perfectly flexible cable ideal, con masa distribuida uniformemente por unidad de… (leer más)

Seville: Pigeons on the Triana Bridge [Photos]


One of the iconic bridges of the city of Seville is the “Triana Bridge”, connecting the Triana district of Arenal. This bridge across the river Guadalquivir has a structure formed by a set of rings on which sits a colony of pigeons, sirviendo de lugar privilegiado para la observación… (leer más)

Luna Lunera & @goefry


Moon, lunera, cascabelera blue eyes, brown face. moon, lunera, under the bed cascabelera have dinner. The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet,… (leer más)

3D Animation, Modeling: Building with Lattice [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

To model an object you can use different editing techniques. Let's build a building that can serve a simple animation, using familiar tools. As always, try to rely on a few concepts to simplify the process. Estructura del Edificio Partiremos de un objeto “Cube” Model based. This object (the cube)… (leer más)

Eroticism del Nudo [Imagen]


In Botany, knots stem areas from which are born hojas.La stem portion between two nodes is called internode. Internally, la organización de los tejidos en un nudo es diferente a la de un entrenudo, debido a que en los nudos existe la conexión del sistema vascular entre la hoja y el… (leer más)

No Smoking


From today Spain has one of the laws of the world's most restrictive snuff, and not just “more advanced” as we want to sell to citizens. I will not defend the use of snuff or underestimate the damage that occurs in health, como tampoco se me ocurriría hacer lo propio con… (leer más)

Traveling by Train [Image]


Station of Atocha AVE, Madrid. Tour dates motivating Spanish geography in the ground transportation more comfortable than we have in the country, el AVE. Meeting point and separation of families that share a few days of meeting. Distributor of emotions that take us back to the thought childhood, as in a… (leer más)

61/193. International Year of Forests (2011)

Estrenamos un año nuevo. The resolution A/RES/61/193 of the UN General Assembly declares 2011 “International año de los Bosques” El valor de los Bosques but su papel en la del ecosistema CONSERVACION sugiere explotación nuevos modelos de que el equilibrio natural mantengan del ENTORNO. “Reconociendo que los bosques y su ordenación sostenible pueden… (leer más)