Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de febrero 2011

Pieces of Drafting [6] [Normalization] [Education]


In this new piece “edges kill” via a transition surface between two planes. The cylindrical shape is tangent to adapt to these planes. In addition the cylindrical body has perforations or “Drills” que serviran de guía y apoyo de elementos como pernos, screws, axes … The bottom has a shape of “cola de… (leer más)

Display: Visual tools for the socio–semantic web

Seeking models for scientific visualization applications of massive data (neurons of the cerebral cortex) he disfrutado con el trabajo de Moritz Stefaner y su Masters Thesis “Visual tools for the socio–semantic web” (.pdf, 12MB)
In his bibliography is defined as a person interested in the representation of information:

Pieces of Drafting [5] [Normalization] [Education]


Objects that have oblique planes are more difficult than those in which the planes are parallel to the reference trihedral (we use to “deploy” the representation plane). We define the views so that each element oblícuo, each angle, remaining defined by at least one of the views represented. Analizar estos… (leer más)

Social Collider: Visualization of interactions on Twitter

The representation of social interactions between users, the effect of a given word and its dissemination in a live network is subject to complex sociological. El efecto de un pensamiento o “same” short time can impact on any geographical latitude, forming a system comparable to neuronal tissue.

La interpretación de los grafos puede ser tan compleja como la de los que producen los modernos colisionadores de partículas. The vertical lines indicate no effect, while the vertical and spirals denote great media impact.

Pieces of Drafting [4] [Normalization] [Education]


The object has been created from a unitary dimension cube, used its vertices and its geometric center to define the faces of the new object. Oblique planes hence are well defined from the initial volume. This conceptualization of objects (que se basa en idearlos a partir de modelos más… (leer más)

Helicoide de esferas con Refracción [image] [Blender]

Pictures taken with two techniques used to determine the visibility of objects in a scene: Técnica de barrido con Z-Buffer Técnica de trazado de rayos como en el Raycast y el Raytracing Su objetivo es servir de base para la formación visual y el análisis de las técnicas de renderizado en imagen… (leer más)

3D Animation, Files: Abrir una escena [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

A scene contains a set of customizable variables, surroundings, items such as cameras and lights, as well as a set of objects. We can imagine a scenario of a theater with its contents: decorating elements, actors, lighting. Al saving a file in Blender, stores the entire workspace: Lights, cameras, objects, textures etc… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [3] [Normalization] [Education]


As the object becomes complicated form, a simple projection can not give us enough information about the object that we want to represent. His interpretation may be ambiguous and need to new views that complement, that allow us to “return” form. Si somos capaces de realizar una representación correcta y completa del… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [2] [Normalization] [Education]


The sequence of parts can be understood as a process of mechanization. The represented object can be obtained from the blank 1 simply restandole materials (cutting the last piece to take part). Esta idea será de aplicación a la hora de modelar objetos con los programas de CAD, haciendo uso de operaciones booleanas en… (leer más)

Aerodays 2011

I received an email which he spread through this post given the interest of the event is announced (for the aviation sector). Estimados investigadores Este año tendrá lugar en Madrid la celebración del evento “Aerodays 2011” during days 30 March and 1 April. This is an event that, every four years, reúne a los… (leer más)