Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Geometría

Metric geometry: Circunferencias con condiciones angulares. Problema I

angular problems

Geometric problems can be addressed with different strategies to simplify the analysis and resolution. We can usually fit them into families well structured problems specific solutions to suit each particular problem.

Here is a basic problem in geometry “dress” or “adapted” to a technological application, suppose particularly for defining a part geometric conditions need angular constraints given by.

Bet geometric [ School ]

Retrieving some items from my students, that might disappear when deleting their blogs from the experience of educational innovation, I've seen this group Protagoras linking pi polygons and playfulness in a very successful.

The educational approach in the form of competition is a valuable resource that does not have to lose the rigorous training approaches. On the contrary, knowledge to explore critically and entertaining couple. This group of students has been successful in its approach, already quoted at the time.

Chicle geometry [ School ]

One of the first articles I wrote my students in the group “Geometry Hicks” was about the most basic aspects of geometry: Topology. To them I was curious to the concept and, inadvertently, were deepening in the main aspects of an axiomatic logical system geometric: continuity.

We began the experience of introducing educational innovation blogs as tool for energizing the group and we were with this pearl. I never fail to learn from them.

Zaha Hadid y el deconstructivism


Zaha Hadid is an architect, contemporary designer and developer who designs innovative shapes evoking fantasy worlds brimming future.

In the website of Zaha Hadid can see an impressive display of his ideation, that moves at the limits of deconstruction. Sinuous curves that convey a different organic feeling in these disciplines.

Classification Representation Systems

The representation of technical objects is performed by one or more images that are determined by projecting the objects on an imaginary plane.

The display system is therefore defined by the position of said plane and the center of projection.

The position of the object relative to the center plane and can vary its representation, determining convergence in the projection, varying mediated, lines which are parallel in space.

Metric geometry : Investment : Application to the resolution of problems and angular tangents

Application inversion

Investment is a transformation that can solve problems with angular conditions. It can be applied directly or used to reduce other problems addressed simplest known nature.

The different approaches with which we can deal with a problem will be studied by developing a simple classic problem of tangents.

Metric geometry : Homotecia

Transformaciones - homotecia

Dilation is a transformation that preserves homographic relations between two segments as homothetic, besides being parallel to each other, so determines and maintains similar figures angular relations (is in accordance).

Its main application is the determination of geometry problems with area ratios in similar figures; It is also useful for solving some exercises tangencies.

Metric geometry : Determining radio circumferences known angular conditions

Geometric Places

Problems of determination with known radius circles that meet geometric constraints are exercises of a similar nature to those seen for straight. Estos se resuelven mediante la intersección de lugares geométricos.

En particular, if we consider the line as infinite radius circumference, estaremos por tanto en el caso estudiado de determinación de rectas con condiciones angulares.

Metric geometry : Determination of lines with angular conditions

angle between line and circle conditions

The determination of a line in the plane requires two geometric constraints; among the employed conditions are the pass or membership of a point and angular type (form an angle with another line or circle).

Discuss the angular relation of a given condition to provide a method of obtaining solutions for reducing problems tangency circumference, valid for one or two angular conditions.