Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

Loci: Difference of squares of distances from two fixed points

The study of different loci that appear in the most common graphical models to understand and structure the graphic constructs used to solve many classical problems.

Given two fixed points, B y C en la figura, se trata de determinar las posiciones que puede ocupar el punto A para que la diferencia entre los cuadrados de la distancia desde A a dichos puntos sea constante.

Applying the Pythagorean Theorem: Equation of the circle

One of the first applications that can be found in the Pythagorean theorem, is its use in determining the equation of a circle.

Metric relationship between the two legs of a right triangle are essentially the expression of the concept of Euclidean measure.

The points of a circle are equidistant from the center of the (O).

A circle is the locus of points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point and coplanar another call center in a constant amount called radio.(W)

CLARITY allows us to obtain images of the brain: Stanford's Deisseroth Lab [Neurociencia]

Of video clips made by Karl Deisseroth y Kwanghun Chung, Stanford University.

The first shows a walk in the intact brain of a mouse, technique using a fluorescent imaging on a whole brain that previously could only be performed in a brain sectioned into thin slices.

The second sample is a 3D nature of memory in a mouse brain, o hipocampo, composed of different cell types:

Pieces of Drafting [4] (Solución) [Normalization] [Education]

Solution to the fourth piece of technical drawing.

They have represented the three main views (plant, elevation and profile) conducting student leaving the new views (not necessary for the representation of the object).
Between the two possible profiles, We used one containing a smaller number of hidden lines.

Diédrico System: True magnitude of the line

By projecting a straight line on a plane orthogonal projection, its projection, generally, is smaller than the original measure.

Given a straight (segment bounded by two points) we want to determine its true magnitude and the angle it makes with the planes of projection.

NASA Initiative to recover asteroids

The future plans of NASA we show possible advances in aerospace technology hardly imaginable today.

The Multimedia Gallery NASA can see ideas of what might be future developments of this agency.
An interesting initiative seeks to develop a spacecraft capable of recovering asteroids and lunar orbits take them to where it is possible to study the effect displaced astronauts.

Pieces of Drafting [3] (Solución) [Normalization] [Education]

Solution to the third piece of technical drawing.

They have represented the two main views (elevation and profile) leaving the student carrying a plant that completes the third projection (not necessary for the representation of the object).

Diédrico System: Third straight projection

The main projections on two planes straight dihedral (horizontal and vertical planes) possible to determine other new planes orthogonal projections on.

We'll see how generically determine a new projection from two. Later we will consider your application to study the so-called “auxiliary projections”, influencing their usefulness in solving various problems.

Purkinje cell [ Imagen ]

Purkinje cells are a type of neuron in the cerebellar cortex in the brain stem.

They have numerous spines on their dendrites that form a highly branched tree.

They are high value anatomical. A cell obtained is presented in the database in the attached image Neuromorpho, and corresponds in particular to a rat treated in Martone laboratoio. For repreentación have used two colors that have established a color ramp that can be associated with anatomical, morphological, the dendritic tree.

Diédrico System: Projection of the line

After seeing the foundations of Diédrico System, with the projection of a point on two planes orthogonal projection, let's see how you can wean the system of land line as we have two or more points. This system called “Free System” is more flexible than the traditional because Monge, giving prominence to the reference lines and guiding the conceptual model to a more constructive and less spatial geometry.