Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Modeling

Modifiers in Modeling: Helicoide [ Blender ]

Helicoide axial recto

A helix is ​​a surface generated by moving a straight line with two movements:

A rotation around an axis or core,.
A translation in the direction of the axis.
This generation model is applicable to the construction or manufacture of many technical elements, como las escaleras helicoidales, the drill bits, arid drag elements etc..

En Blender se puede generar un helicoide mediante el uso de “Hooks”, extrusions and modifier “Array” we have seen in modeling.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXIV) : Real or simulated? : Christmas Tinsel and nuts on wood [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ] [ Cycles ] [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

Tuerca, tornillo y espumillón de navidad sobre mesa de madera

A new wallpaper which straddles the number of graduates realistic wallpaper “Real or simulated?” and “wallpapers de navidad 2012 – 2013” recreating the work entitled “Nuts and Bolts” adding classic Christmas tinsel made in Blender.

A fund-like embossed wooden table serves to support the tinsel, and nut-screw with balls reflecting an environment map.

Physics : Dynamic paint : Introduction [ Blender ]

dynamic paint

“Dynamic paint” is a feature introduced in Blender since version 2.61. Lets use an object as canvas (“Canvas”) and another as brush (“Brush”) and dynamically, through contact with the painting brush, “paint” textures that can be used as weight maps for different purposes.

These maps can be used to simulate dusty areas we can clean, grass fields we can cut (by the). condensation on windows in which to fingerpaint etc..

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXII) : Christmas Tinsel, balls and stars [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]


Although the tinsel is a distinctive element in the holidays, due to the computational difficulty of the simulation does not appear too often in the wallpapers that I leave on the blog.
It is necessary to simulate many thousands of tiny hairs that reflect light between them in a dance almost infinite rays to get a more or less acceptable appearance.

In the following wallpaper, after modeling in Blender tinsel, We added a couple of fields and a particle system generating a shower of stars to complete the stage.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XIX) : Symbolic Christmas tree with halos [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Christmas tree with halos

Light, color, highlights, glitter … Christmas atmosphere surrounding the effects are blurred by moisture and temperature conditions creating magical shades varied colors disguised.

The primary colors of the Christmas lights textures blend cake giving.

A Christmas tree depicted with the symbolism of a spiral of colors.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XVIII) : Christmas tree stars [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


From wallpaper “Stars and spheres” has made a new image that commands as Christmas tree.

The symbolism of the tree, along with the ornaments that engalardonan is the reason behind this new wallpaper, colors with the same chords.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XV) : Figurative Christmas tree with balls [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Christmas tree with spheres

A Christmas tree made up of balls (areas), that constitute the traditional ornaments, along with the tinsel, Christmas Trees.

A new wallpaper, made with Blender, to decorate your desktop, minimalist figurative style.

A new version for Christmas and new year 2012, of introduced last year entitled:

Figurative Christmas Tree

3D Animation, Particles : Smoke with adaptive domains and dissemination of colors [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Train with smoke

We have seen how to create a domain for generating smoke through a system of particles. This domain should be static before version 2.65 the Blender.

From this latest version, Available in December 2012, domains can be defined to suit the needs of a dynamic and, even, change of position in space.

New functionality includes the ability to use different types of color for each emitting smoke, which can be mixed by diffusion.

Gradually we come to a real fluid simulator.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XII) : 2013 (II) [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

New Year 2013

A new wallpaper Christmas Series, in this case the number of the new year but gloomy version, model instead of text 2013 brighter than we saw earlier.

Blender allows you to use the same sources as the operating system, making it a tool of production 3D titles very interesting.

Se ha utilizado la tipografía Mark of the Beast BB para el texto.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XI) : Tree with snow background [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Christmas tree

Within interpretations abound Christmas themes of Christmas Trees.

Funds capped with soft lighting, dim lights and blue colors due to light refraction in ice crystals.

Branches bare or covered with a thin blanket of winter chill.

An atmosphere that tries to capture this picture you can get in resolution wallpaper 1280 x 1024 pulsando con el ratón.

Lattice effect animation


A latex, one Blender, is a tool used to model objects using deformations. Edit the object is adapted to the grid or lattice forming the grid.

Associate an object to this utility so that if we change the shape of the lattice, it will act on the object.

The advantage of using a lattice is to modify a lower number of points, that act on a more detailed mesh.