Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Fotografía

Seville: Pigeons on the Triana Bridge [Photos]


One of the iconic bridges of the city of Seville is the “Triana Bridge”, connecting the Triana district of Arenal. This bridge across the river Guadalquivir has a structure formed by a set of rings on which sits a colony of pigeons, sirviendo de lugar privilegiado para la observación… (leer más)

Eroticism del Nudo [Imagen]


In Botany, knots stem areas from which are born hojas.La stem portion between two nodes is called internode. Internally, la organización de los tejidos en un nudo es diferente a la de un entrenudo, debido a que en los nudos existe la conexión del sistema vascular entre la hoja y el… (leer más)

Traveling by Train [Image]


Station of Atocha AVE, Madrid. Tour dates motivating Spanish geography in the ground transportation more comfortable than we have in the country, el AVE. Meeting point and separation of families that share a few days of meeting. Distributor of emotions that take us back to the thought childhood, as in a… (leer más)

Moss [Imagen]


Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides) is very similar to the species name that evokes: Usnea, or lichen. Although, the Tillandisa biological unrelated Usnea; it is a flowering plant family of bromeliads, living on tree branches in full sun or partial shade. Está en toda América desde… (leer más)

Green Sprout [Imagen]

A green bud escape from them boulders in river; the great life force that allows something so delicate looking, be able to live in adverse conditions to the surface outcropping; moving the objects that hinder. A marvel over nature. Como siempre en formato wallpaper con 1280… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Aralia [Imagen 1280×1024]

Aralia, angelica tree commonly called, is a genus in the family Araliaceae, consisting 68 accepted species of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubbery, and some rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, los tamaños varían desde algunas que sólo alcanzan 50 cm hasta árboles de más de 20 m de altura. Es nativo de Asia (Japón y… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Winter Flower [Imagen 1280×1024]

A winter seasonal flower that grows in my yard every year around this time serves as a ground for a new desktop background keep in Wallpapers Gallery, along with Christmas songs because, a flower that grows in winter Is not it a Christmas theme? A warm toned image (amarillos… (leer más)

Compose Images View: Rotation [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

After seeing a real example (ledge of apple orchards) on composing panoramic images, we get into our virtual laboratory to analyze some possibilities of software “Microsoft Image Composite Editor” To perform the various tests that subject this creation software panoramic compositions, It has built a simplified model… (leer más)

Compose Images View [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

When we travel and find scenery like we can get several photos of the same place to take a full memory of what we perceive visually. These partial images (limited by the camera lens) they can become an overview linking the different shots. Met it a very easy to use tool to the… (leer más)

Blogs Graphics: Oscar Velazquez @ oscarcillo

A Photoblog of high artistic quality that the image conveys a message not written though compelling in form and content. In which the framing, the reason, light and focus transmit verb and adjectives of great beauty and narrative expression. Fotos estáticas que animan al movimiento en una rica variedad temática… (leer más)