Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

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Pumpkins of my students (V..) [ Blender ]


One aspect of the teaching unit, how to make a Halloween pumpkin in Blender facing the basic analysis of the modeling and rendering of an object, which have not been detailed rendering times are.

The first questions arise on this topic. It is something to be learned experimentally and depends on many aspects of the scene

Calabazas [ Wallpaper ]

Two halloween pumpkins

By playing with the models used for halloween pumpkins made with Blender, and three pumpkins, We have made this scene gathering the two models.

A strong contrast in terms of the models creates a complex atmosphere, between the dark and the ludicrous.

iHalloween – Pumpkin my Mac


When we decorate our computer always think of a desktop background or wallpaper suitable to the occasion.
There are other fun ways to “tunearlo” out that do not need a complex software or an expensive investment.

Have scissors and some Post-it notes?

The most famous of these festivals are objects pumpkins. Can we convert our Apple logo on your Mac in a fun character? I do not need to give too many instructions. 😉

Revolver Maps : estadísticas de visitas en blogs de forma visual

Revolver Maps

De forma similar a Pulsemap, Revolver Maps es una herramienta visual que nos da información en tiempo real del número y procedencia de las visitas al blog.

Se instala facilmente a partir de las páginas oficiales de Revolver Maps.

Las visitas que se encuentran activas (conectadas con el blog) son visualmente identificadas con un destello sobre el mapa, creando una curiosa sensación de dinamismo.

RGB voxel [ Imagen ][ Wallpaper ]


The world, an inherent continuous, is discretized using equally spaced samples digitally called voxels.

A spatial partition characterized identical volumes with an actual value of the property representative study.

The representation of objects using voxelization techniques necessary to work with large amounts of data, however, can be treated evenly with matrix models.

Santiago Carrillo Solares [ Mosaic ] [ Imagen ]

Santiago Carrillo

Mosaic photo D. Jose Santiago Carrillo Solares, highly relevant Spanish politician who was instrumental in the transition to democracy.

Gijón, 18 January 1915 – Madrid, 18 September 2012

The images that make up the mosaic were obtained with Google image search and belong to their authors. The mosaic has been made with the software MacOSaiX.

Closed for holidays


Close for holidays, short but deserved.

For a few days we will not post on the blog, but will be back with new images and updated contents of our topics of interest:

Blender and rendered with Cycles
Geometry and technical drawing
And above all, mucha imagen en formato wallpaper.

NASA 3D Models


The NASA official pages offer 3D models gallery free use, que pueden ser utilizados en nuestras animaciones. Los modelos se encuentran en diferentes formatos y grado de detalle: Blender, 3DS, OBJ. La lectura de estos ficheros de geometría 3D desde nuestras aplicaciones, You can assume the loss of detail in the… (leer más)

Chocolate [ Animation ] [ Blender ]

A fluid animation (chocolate) of great artistic beauty with an interesting picture and sound installation that reveals the model used to create photorealistic images.
Like chocolate?
Interesting combination OvniVFX study in which simple is effective.

A test fluid realizable only by experts, desirable from the technical and visual.