Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Image Categories

Purkinje cell [ Imagen ]

Purkinje cells are a type of neuron in the cerebellar cortex in the brain stem.

They have numerous spines on their dendrites that form a highly branched tree.

They are high value anatomical. A cell obtained is presented in the database in the attached image Neuromorpho, and corresponds in particular to a rat treated in Martone laboratoio. For repreentación have used two colors that have established a color ramp that can be associated with anatomical, morphological, the dendritic tree.

Foreclosures in the 13, Rue's Percebe [Humor]

Although not to laugh never an embargo, I found that this version of the vignette “13 Rue the barnacle” is a reflection, humorous, of Spanish reality.

The model's abusive banking that has allowed this unfortunate social situation has had an impact on European legal instances.

Formula 1 Sepang, Malaysia [ Imagen ][ #F1 ]

Second round of World Championship Formula 1, this time takes place in Sepang, Malaysia.
A new season in which, from the first race, podemos ver el alto nivel tecnológico y competitivo de las escuderias uqe participan.
Aportamos una nueva imagen a nuestra colección para homenajear a este singular circuito en el que Alonso celebró su primera victoria.

Cyprus and the Euro [ Imagen ]

A new image, made with Blender, which associates economic problems of the eurozone countries like Cyprus, in the dark background of the global economy.

A news, Cypriot playard, that does nothing to call ghosts we all have, debate rescuing the euro's survival.
The legal uncertainty of these events in contrast to our criticisms of the nationalization of enterprises in third countries. Payment of the economic excesses imposed on the population in a dark suit political and social interests.

Today is Cyprus, a small country … Tomorrow?

Formula 1 Melbourne, Australia [ Imagen ][ #F1 ]

The show starts with the speed of Formula Race 1 (F1) circuit in Melbourne (Australia).
A new season motivates us picture of the day, with a 3D model of a formula 1 reflected on planes, with a profile of Australia providing translucent color.

A new season in which we see again the struggle between the technical teams and the skill of the pilots.

Iberia fracture [ Wallpaper ]

The company Iberia (IB) is one of the oldest in the world. Currently in the news for their strikes as a result of technical and economic difficulties suffered, that have led to various workforce adjustments, fleet and service lines.

One company that we have known all life and the logo shown in the national colors of a country, fractures and struggle to survive in an ever expanding market, globalized and competitive environment in which low cost companies impose their business models.

Pumpkins of my students (XII) [ Blender ]

Reviewing the work of my students are algunosque not been published since for some reason had not fulfilled the initial objectives. In reviewing the series pumpkins “halloween pumpkins”, within the course of computer graphics and animation we are doing, I found this curiosity that has been mixed with the work of creating a fund to give reasons for the Christmas scene..

Andy (Android) y su novia (V..) [ School ]

Lady Android

We have seen different interpretations of the pair of Andy (Android) looking for a minimalist characterization of a new character.

The conceptualization of the genus has been based on the color as the main element, body shape and added some details that have given a “touch” special character:

Blog Header

The blog header is a visual element that should reflect much of his personality. Integrates with colors defined for the topic set, harmoniously, conjoined. En general todos los temas que podemos usar en un blog tienen la posibilidad de personalizar la cabecera que viene por defecto en el… (leer más)

Pumpkins of my students (VI) [ Blender ]


The teaching unit, how to make a Halloween pumpkin in Blender facing the basic analysis of the modeling and rendering of an object, to create other objects very different based on the same building technique.

Although initially the goal is to create a representative picture of halloween, you can improvise with some humor conducting thematic variants, like this “Space invaders” conducted by Max Schwenzer.