Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Video categories

Lifted – Pixar [ Video ] [ Animation ]


The Pixar animated shorts combine an impeccable technique with funny scripts where cute characters allow us to enjoy situations, in some cases, rather paradoxical. Lifted presents an alien “rookie” that is certified to abduct humans. Unos simples controles en manos inexpertas pueden crear situaciones… (leer más)

Index of refraction

Index of refraction

By introducing transparent materials have been different parameters that characterize. In “Cycles” have named a shader “Glass” to simulate the behavior of translucent objects where the light changes direction through them.

Has an associated transparency parameter that redirection of light rays passing through the material, is the coefficient of refraction; the software performs calculations to simulate these effects are based on the "Law of Snell".

Physics : Dynamic paint : Introduction [ Blender ]

dynamic paint

“Dynamic paint” is a feature introduced in Blender since version 2.61. Lets use an object as canvas (“Canvas”) and another as brush (“Brush”) and dynamically, through contact with the painting brush, “paint” textures that can be used as weight maps for different purposes.

These maps can be used to simulate dusty areas we can clean, grass fields we can cut (by the). condensation on windows in which to fingerpaint etc..

Node editor : Defocus in layers (blurred layers) [ Blender ]


We have seen how to separate elements in layers. To date it has helped us to simplify the process of editing the geometry disabling to hide different layers.
In this article we will see the real power of this technique layered structure manifests when using the “Composer” (in the node editor), namely, in post-production in which we merge the layers of image.

3D Animation, Simulation : Ocean : Creation and animation [ Blender ]


Among the new features that have been added to the new version of Blender is a complete system able to reproduce the behavior of the sea, called “Ocean”.

From a calm sea with huge waves of a stormy ocean, Ocean allows a complex animation with a simple system in which we define the most representative variables of these phenomena.

Night : Earth Animated GIF


NASA often surprise us with their beautiful images of Earth and other celestial bodies. This time it is not an image directly obtained by one of several cameras that orbit our planet, but have made an interesting image compose any number of photographs of different areas at night.

An image can only imagine a world lit by artificial lights night.
With this image, applied as a texture on a sphere in Blender, has made a small animation of planet Earth Evening Dress, in animated GIF format.

Kara Quantic Dream [ Video ]


Quantic Dream is a Studio specialized in motion capture (Motion capture), técnica usada para dotar de movimientos naturales a personajes creados con técnicas de modelado por ordenador.

La animación básica basada en “Key frames” permitia agilizar el proceso de animación, en contraposición de las técnicas “pose a pose” en las que se debe crear cada paso de animación o las basadas en rotoscopia, precursoras de las técnicas de captura digital (al menos conceptualmente).

V-Ray VFX Demo Reel 2010


In computer animation classes usually display works by different authors performed both ancient and modern synthesis imaging technologies.

The training process involves understanding the evolution of techniques and working methods and to measure the difficulty of their use and potential use scenarios.

Among the most important graphics engines for the production of synthetic images is V-Ray. In the following video we see some interesting work done with this tool.

Lattice effect animation


A latex, one Blender, is a tool used to model objects using deformations. Edit the object is adapted to the grid or lattice forming the grid.

Associate an object to this utility so that if we change the shape of the lattice, it will act on the object.

The advantage of using a lattice is to modify a lower number of points, that act on a more detailed mesh.

3D Animation, Key Framing: Create keys so [ Blender ]


La animación mediante claves de forma permite definir estados de deformación de una superficie para interpolar valores entre ellos y calcular transiciones controladas.
Vamos a aplicar esta técnica de morphing entre dos estados para hacer una animación simple: el parpadeo de los ojos de Andy (mascota of Android). El modelo que vamos a utilizar está disponible para su descarga en formato Blend aquí: Andy Blender Model.

3D Animation, Key Framing: Introduction to the Keys of the form [ Blender ]

clave de forma

We have seen the technique “Key framing” for object animation. A simple way to "animate object" to move on stage is to define the initial position, y la posición final transcurrido un cierto intervalo de tiempo. Animar el color, la forma de una superficie, etc., puede utilizar el mismo modelo… (leer más)