Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Spring foliage and explosion [Imagen]

Spring offers us images that could saturate our visual memory. The senses are stimulated by the wealth of shapes and colors that nature gives us.

It is a time of unrest, wherein the growth hormones that guide dominate us.

The plants and trees colonize our visual space is limited in depth of field. The sky can be seen timidly among the branches and leaves, which in turn are covered with flowers.

It's time to love.

As always, you can see the wallpaper resolution image by clicking the mouse.

Plum (foliage)


Foliage (RAE)
(The prov. foliage).
1. m. Set of leaves of trees and other plants.
2. m. Adorno tops and leaves with garnishes and graces that something.
3. m. Adorno superfluous, complicated and distasteful.
4. m. Abundance of exornación rhetoric in written or spoken.

?You've fallen in love?


2011 año internacional de los bosques

2011 international year of forests