Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de agosto 2011

Node editor: Efectos: Lens Distortion [Blender]


You know what is the effect barrel, or cushion effect, photographic?

One of the filters simulating node editor image distortions produced by the lens of a camera and other optical elements is “Lens Distortion”.


In the collective painting exhibition held in Madrid I saw a drawing made with cake, qualified “Hats (Interpretation C. Brave)” and performed by Inés Torres; a picture of great beauty that you can see in the exhibition catalog .

Crepuscular Rays


Among the most common atmospheric phenomena are called “Crepuscular Rays”. They occur when the sun's rays are partially occluded by a cloud that acts as a mask, y se difuminan en la atmósfera iluminando partículas de polvo en suspensión. Podemos observarlos en cualquier latitud, produciéndose especialmente en horas próximas a los crepúsculos y… (leer más)