Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Car projection mapping


Projection Mapping is the art of using projected images to fit the shape of the objects used as € or â € œpantallasâ proyeccià brackets ³ n, getting stunning views and elegant especially in urban elements. Initially started to create this visual art projected on large surfaces, particularly building facades. As it has evolved has been added interactividad al projection mapping and has expanded the using different projection to support three-dimensional objects.

Such is the degree of specialization and development and we can start talking about specific genres in the world of projection mapping, such as the use of vehicles to provide support. In each case find also certain audiovisual techniques that are especially suited to this particular scenario.

The first video was made in December 2012 (10.12.11) in the city of Moscow to publicize the brand “Marlboro”. The agency was responsible for the event “ATOMIC Advertising Agency”.

Presentation of a new car branding Car projection by Radugadesign:
motion: Anton Novosad, Yuriy Izmailov, Weaponer
sound: Ibenji
art-direction: Ivan Nefedkin
stage design: Mikhail Egoshin
technical direction: Alexander Polonskiyz

The animation of the wheels along with the horizontal displacement of the images are the most representative elements that provide the sense of movement of the vehicle. The scenario used in the previous case is essentially a vertical support in the mountains landscape are represented, while in the case of the presentation of AUDI A1 a horizontal support which basically represents the road or path on which we drive this vehicle used mentally.

Finally note that the enhancement is generally performed to the lines of the vehicle design, as is particularly evident in the case of this type truck with a pop-art presentation that enhances this aspect.