Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Generate and edit videos with Blender [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

edtar_thumbTo create a video with image we first generate synthetic images that compose them individually for, later, edit and compose the sequence.

Rendering (render one inglés) is a term used in computer jargon referring to the process of generating an image from a model. This technical term is used by animators audiovisual producers and 3D design software.(W)

Rendering process


To access a menu which allows you to generate images that we use in our video, will use the button using a camera as icon: “Render”.


We will have two buttons to generate an isolated image “Image“, or sequence of images that we have defined in the project “Animation“. The result of each can go to render window “Image Editor” or to a new, selected it as one or the other.


Before you begin the process of “Render”, we indicate the size of the image. We can use a set of values ​​that fit the desired video standards with the selector “presets” or instructed in the address resolution “x”, horizontal, and address “and”, vertical. Furthermore we see that it will calculate the 100% image with the selector that is immediately below. This serves to, once defined size, do a little test render percent lower resolution.

We can choose the frame in the animation starts “Start Frame”, in which ends “End Frame” and the interval between images calculated “Frame Step” if it uses the value “1” sequentially calculate all the.


The last step is to define the name of the file or directory and output parameters that affect the format you want to get.

The application added to each file a number that corresponds to the calculated frame.

If we use a channel select the option RGBA transparency, and in general we can create files in formato PNG.

This type of image file maintains an adequate quality for subsequently generating a video. We must not under any circumstances try to choose the AVI format at this stage of work to generate the video for different reasons:

  • If the rendering is interrupted lose all information, since e is not completely generated video.
  • If video codecs are not suitable we rebuild the entire sequence.

The best alternative is to generate for both individual images for each video frame and then mounted with the video editor “Video editing”.

Once defined the parameters for calculating, press the button”Render” shown initially to generate the sequence of images.


Numbered sequence of images to create a video

Video Editing.

Blender incorporates a complete editor sequences, along with the “composite editor” used to perform post-production work, can complete the process of developing a comprehensive video, including audio.

Introduce us briefly see how this versatile tool. To access the video editing environment will select “Video Editing” in the main menu.


The windows system change its settings to facilitate viewers correspondientas tools and video editing.


Windows video editing

To start editing need a set of images that constitute the sequence. In the bottom window select the menu “Add” and the new dropdown menu will indicate the type of item you want to add. In this case a sequence of images, so we click on the option “Image”.


Add an image or sequence of frames

We will select the first image and holding down “Alt” indicate the last sequence we will add. This will automatically select all the intermediate images.


Select the set of images to add

The images are loaded in the “Sequencer video” displaying a rectangle whose length indicates the length of the sequence. This rectangle can be moved on the graph editing to indicate at what point begins playback.


In this first year of publication will not use any other sequence and therefore do not discuss how to perform transitions or fades. The goal is simply to create a short video from a set of rendered images sequentially.

posprocesingBack to the environment “Animation” which normally work to get the images, and select the menu “Render” and then the submenu bucaremos “Posprocesing“.

Activate the option “Sequencer” to tell the system that will generate a defined sequence in the editor video.y not render the scene we have obtained above and.

Then modify the format of the output file before we defined as “PNG” one of the video formats that are available. The most comprehensive option is labeled “H264” in later define the “codecs” used.

Codec is short for encoderdecoder. Describes a specification developed software, hardware or a combination of both, able to transform a file with a data flow (stream) or signal. The codecs can encode the signal flow or (often for transmission, storage or encryption) and recover or decrypt the same way for reproduction or manipulation in a format suitable for these operations. Codecs are often used in video conferences and broadcasts media.

Most codecs are lossy, to achieve the smallest possible size of the destination file. There are also lossless codecs (lossless), but in most practical applications, to an almost imperceptible increase in quality is not worth a considerable increase in data size. The exception is if the data undergo other treatments in the future. In this case, repeated lossy encoding ultimately hurt the quality too.(W)



H.264 o MPEG-4 parte 10 is a standard that defines a video codec high-compression, jointly developed by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) y el ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). The intent of the H.264/AVC project was to create a standard capable of providing good image quality at bit rates substantially lower than previous standards (MPEG-2, H.263 o MPEG-4 parte 2), addition to not increase the complexity of its design.(W)

En el menú “Format” available in option “H264” we can choose the type of file to generate.


After choosing the output format and, if we, its location in your file system, simply press the button “Animation” the render menu and the video will be generated in a few seconds from the images of the sequence.


Generate video

If we have added an audio track or sound effects will have to decide if we want to make a movie “young (default) or audio that we have incorporated. To do this we select the audio codec that we desire.


We can adjust different encoding parameters we will see at the time, affecting the sound quality and the bandwidth needed for transmission.

audio parameters

In the next installment will look like mixing sequences, and the relationship with the Effect Editor.

Blender Tutorial