Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Cycles : Materials : Vertex Paint with node “Attribute” [ Blender ]

monoThe rendering engine “Cycles” materials relies on built of “shaders” and other nodes that give different attributes.

An interesting new node is called, precisely, “Attribute”. We will use this node to give texture to the object coloring its vertices.

Logically, the greater the number of vertices greater detail we take into our texture. Let's see how to use the mode “vertex paint” to decorate the drawing objects on its surface.

Plano subdividido

Plan subdividido

In our analysis, depart from a simple plane, first, subdiviremos to have a sufficiently dense set of vertices based on the degree of detail you want to obtain.

As we discussed, we will draw on the plane with the edit mode “Vertex Paint” will select later.

We enter the menu “Object Data” to define a set of vertices on which generate the image.

This menu can be selected by the icon representing a triangular face with vertices corresponding.

Object Data

Object Data

We can use the default one set, or add a new one by clicking on the icon “+”. The name we use will be used later to indicate the attribute we are using. In this case we have labeled as “Cabbage”.

Vertex Colors

Vertex Colors

Once generated the set or group of vertices, pass mode “Vertex Paint” to draw over the surface vertices.

Vertex paint

Vertex paint

We can choose different brushes and painting operations, well as a rich variety of colors

Vertex Paint

Vertex Paint

The final result will depend on the number of vertices of the surface. A greater number, more detailed the texture you get.



This texture will apply it in the rendering mode “Cycles” through a node property.

Cycles render

Cycles render

Add a material and, on node editor, incorporate each type “Attribute”

Node Attribute

Node Attribute

Connect the output node “Attribute” a color input “shader”. We will use the name defined when creating the group to indicate the attribute (“Cabbage” n this case).



As an example we can see the render you get with the plan we have defined.

Imagen resultante

Resulting image

It change the type of shader, for example one that simulates put objects transparent, we can obtain interesting results as shown in the following example.

Vertex Paint aplicado sobre un Shader para transparencias

Vertex Paint applied over a shader for transparencies

If the paint surface is complex we can update the display in wireframe mode to see the position of the vertices.

How late can see el ejemplo “monkey” to which is applied a subdivision surface to increase the number of vertices.

Monkey con Vertex Paint y material Glass sobre un plano con textura Checker

Monkey con Vertex Paint y material Glass sobre un plano con textura Checker



Cycles Tutorial

Cycles Tutorial
