Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías editor de nodos

Node editor: Video overlay and synthetic image [Blender]

Any film production is full of special effects achieved in the post-production stage in which different layers of images are mixed, both real and synthetic, with different techniques, to reach levels of realism that is almost impossible us, in many cases, distinguish reality from fiction.

In this article we look at the foundation needed to generate a final image in which superpondremos a video or image to a virtual object created with 3D editing software. Blender will use the suite for superimposing images using a graphical model composition using the node editor.

Cycles : Materials : Vertex Paint with node “Attribute” [ Blender ]


The rendering engine “Cycles” materials relies on built of “shaders” and other nodes that give different attributes.

An interesting new node is called, precisely, “Attribute”. We will use this node to give texture to the object coloring its vertices.

Node editor: Color: Mix [Blender]


One of the most used items in the node editor is what allows you to merge or combine two images: Node “MIX”.

With this node you mix a base image (connected to the input of the upper), a second image (bottom entry), operating on individual pixels and corresponding in the two images. The way it produces the output image is determined by the option checked in the dropdown menu.

Node editor: Converter: RGBA [Blender]

Among the color filters that we have in the Blender node editor, we can find a “RGB primary color filter” we separates the image into the three main channels color.que used in digital format the same name.

We can see in this example how an image with different colors is broken down into each of the color channels. White is the sum of all colors, then has components in all cases.