Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories VFX

Node editor : Defocus in layers (blurred layers) [ Blender ]


We have seen how to separate elements in layers. To date it has helped us to simplify the process of editing the geometry disabling to hide different layers.
In this article we will see the real power of this technique layered structure manifests when using the “Composer” (in the node editor), namely, in post-production in which we merge the layers of image.

MPC Prometheus VFX breakdown!


Visual effects (VFX) part of the process of creating almost any film productions.

Logically occur more in those that recreate imaginary worlds, present, past the future, or when the cost of making conventional means exceed arising from the use of complex software platforms animation and compositing.

Allow recreate scenes with great visual realism, using numerous “layers” superimposed image to achieve this end. In the video below, with effect from the science fiction film “Prometheus”, we can see some scenes from the film in which the construction process is shown in the same. An interesting example for our classes computer animation.

Tears of Steel – Blender Foundation’s fourth short Open Movie


Blender development is supported by different initiatives that seek to bring together talent from around the world in a common goal: search and validate production processes with this fantastic tool for synthetic animation. The following project has been worked for a year in studies of the… (leer más)

Node editor: Color: Mix [Blender]


One of the most used items in the node editor is what allows you to merge or combine two images: Node “MIX”.

With this node you mix a base image (connected to the input of the upper), a second image (bottom entry), operating on individual pixels and corresponding in the two images. The way it produces the output image is determined by the option checked in the dropdown menu.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (XI) : Space balls with tinsel [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


A new wallpaper for use as wallpaper in this Christmas. A background with spiral galaxy “Leo” on overlapping Christmas balls with different images embedded funds spatial.

A work of rendering and compositing with Blender node editor, that lets you see the possibilities of post-production of this free software tool.

Postproduction: Layered separate animation

La última fase de creación de una película o documento audiovisual se conoce con el nombre de posproducción. En esta etapa se monta el material disponible y se añaden transiciones de forma que el conjunto cobra sentido narrativo, visual y auditivo. Es en esencia un ensamblaje de las “piezas” o material que se ha acumulado… (leer más)