A short animation that revolves around a fun character, and cerdito Ormie, and unique strategies to get their prized loot: Some biscuits.
A story based on a minimalist stage and repetitive act. With very simple frames but greatly motivate ateción, reinforced with a great soundtrack, Fresh and lively.
A short that has received numerous awards, produced by Arc Productions.
Ormie is a Pig, in every sense of the word. Pig see cookie. Pig want cookie. But they are out of reach…or are they? See Ormie’s attempts to gain the warm sweet taste that is his obsession.
Watch the short film that has film festival audiences laughing and cheering. Ormie has garnered 8 Festival Awards including Best Short Film (Savannah FF 2010, Palm Springs Int’l Shorts Fest 2010, Sprockets 2010, Seattle Int’l FF 2010) and the Audience Award (New York Int’l Children’s FF 2011).(Arc)
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