There are many manuals drawing with different methods to initiate us and improve our technique representation. One of the first thing I remember are the booklets drawing painter Ferrer Joan Miró.
William Andrew Loomis It was an illustrator of the first half of the twentieth century, in addition to his graphic work, He left a series of books to learn to draw. The practical approach of these manuals along with the gradual difficulty of the exercises are two characteristics that make them especially useful for beginners in the drawing with pencil. In these interesting books keys of great interest for creating drawings and illustrations they are given:
Basic schemes to understand the human figure, their movements and different postures, allow progress in the representation of complex scenes.
A detailed lighting determining the areas of greatest illumination and shadows cast obtaining analysis will provide volume and depth to the scenes.
Otra labor importante será la realización de composiciones basadas en escenas cotidianas.
Las diferentes técnicas para la representación del rostro humano forman parte de varios de sus estudios más interesantes.
El estudio del rostro bajo diferentes perspectivas nos permitirán representar variadas posiciones de los personajes, así como para caracterizar rasgos con diferentes edades y razas.
Los principales libros del autor fueron publicados por él en vida.
- Fun with a Pencil (1939)
- Figure Ndrawing for All it’s Worth (1943)
- Creative Illustration(1947)
- Successfull Drawing (1951)
- Drawing te Head and Hands (1956)
- The Eye of the Painter (1961)
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Aprende a ilustrar gratis: Los libros de Andrew Loomis
10 técnicas de dibujo artístico a lápiz, fáciles de dibujar para principiantes
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