Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Introduction to Digital Filters: Flower of Aralia [Imagen][Blender]

Filtering process: The set of techniques encompassed within the preprocessing of images whose primary objective is to obtain, from a source image, another whose end result is more suitable for a specific application to improve certain characteristics that enable it perform processing operations on it. (W) A partir de una… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [11] [Normalization] [Education]


A new piece which is defined “within” the volume of a cylinder of revolution, present a limited view of the cylinder by projections container. Material parts are eliminated give rise to “cajeados” can not exceed the dimensions of the cylinder. Especialmente son interesantes aquellas proyecciones en las que se ve el contorno… (leer más)

Sticks bridges Contest 2011 [School]

As every year, Professor Jaime Rua, junto con la profesora María Jesús Casati nos regalan unas simpáticas imágenes del concurso de puentes de palillos que realizan con los alumnos de tercero de la especialidad de “Airports” technical aeronautical engineering. Una clase en forma de concurso de alto interés pedagógico que cierra un… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [10] [Normalization] [Education]


The two planes oblique views to be defined in the projected perpendicular to the plane of projection, so that the angle formed with the horizontal plane is in them in true scale. Although the plan view is almost always a top view of the object, en este caso sería… (leer más)

Los 12 principles of animation: Stretch and Shrink (Squash and stretch)

An animation is a complex technique of creating a credible illusion through images usually reinforced with sound. The first animation work performed in the learning process is macadamente robotic and lacking expressiveness. Las mejoras basadas en los principios clásicos de animación aportan credibilidad a los personajes y… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [9] [Normalization] [Education]


Las piezas formadas por superfícies (planes) paralelos a los del triedro de referencia son más sencillas de representar que aquellas que presentan planos inclinados. La utilización de líneas auxiliares para identificar las posiciones de los vértices de la geometría puede ser un recurso de gran valor en el análisis de las proyecciones normalizadas de estos… (leer más)

Darling with the dark side [Students work][Blender]

During the last months has been published on the blog a Blender course, free software 3D animation. The course has been an innovative educational experience in which they have participated 50 technical inegenieria Aviation of the UPM students. The experience has consisted of giving training on a blended basis, with… (leer más)

Reason and Banner # letrasenelsahara

Para el concurso de imágenes “An image by Mil # letrasenelsahara” se deben presentar dos imágenes: A “reason” and “banner”. El banner deberá contener el texto de la iniciativa que promociona, y que en twitter es el tag que aglutina su apoyo: #letrasenelsahara Motivo El motivo es la idea que proyectamos, definida mediante una imagen… (leer más)