Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

8 October [and VIII]

Last entry in the series “LIVING” created to remember these last days “morning” tenemos la oportunidad de participar en el evento de igual nombre que nos permitirá aportar un artículo sobre un tema concreto de forma cooperativa. Y digo cooperativo en el sentido de “positive interdependence” ya que el éxito de este acontecimiento depende… (leer más)

8 October [VII]

Penultimate delivery of images to the event for next convovado 8 October. A helix formed by the word “LIVING” representing the multitude of contributions that will be available on-line “girando” en torno a una única palabra. Estamos expectantes deseando ver las contribuciones que van a producirse. ¿Estas preparad@?

8 October [VI]

We are approaching the eighth day of October, and as every one of his predecessors, I remember the event with an image “LIVING” in which you are still in time to participate. Un escrito o una creación que nos recuerde la capacidad que tenemos de hacer cosas en común, de convivir con objetivos comunes…. (leer más)

Painting with Pastels: Jesus Maria Casati: Autumn fruit


Another flawless work of Maria Jesus presents a seasonal still life with autumn fruits. A pastel drawing pencils that relies on the colors ocher contrasting with the green of the leaves to complete the composition.

Always amazing quality of this painter Extremadura that has combined technical and artistic aspects and the rest of his work.

8 October [V..]

We added a new page reminder of what we hope will be a great event the next day 8: “LIVING“. Above 300 blogs publicaran ese día sobre el mismo tema en una iniciativa que pretende mostrar nuestra capacidad para abordar conjuntamente una actividad. Os recuerdo que además, junto con esta publicación, se completan los modelos de… (leer más)

PDF with 3D content for technical documentation

One of the skills that every engineer has needed to develop is to interpret blueprints and all kinds of graphical properly. Initial training has been based traditionally on the development of exercises based on simple elements representation whose complexity increases as does their ability to “spatial vision”. Often, y como… (leer más)

8 October [IV]

Una nueva imagen para recordar el evento CONVIVENCIA, en este caso una nueva llamada: “VEN”. “VENa participar, aporta tu particular forma de ver la convivencia, su sentido, its projection. “La verdad no es mi verdad, es la suma de la de todosTienes más imágenes que puedes utilizar en “Coexistence Initiative“

Painting with Pastels: Jesus Maria Casati: Young Salesman

Jesus Maria Casati Calzada offers in this new play his interpretation of a work of Murillo, “Young fruit seller” or “The money counter”. found in the gallery of Munich. Maria Jesus works primarily, and with great skill, with pastel pencils. Nos vende su delicada forma de interpetar a los… (leer más)

8 October [II]

Quedan 8 días para que, entre todos, hablemos de la CONVIVENCIA. Durante los próximos días recordaremos esta causa con imágenes que pueden servir para animarnos a participar o, simply, como expresión artística de un acontecimiento. Quedan 8 días para tener un motivo de CONVIVENCIA. Te esperamos.

8 October

There are few days to an event in which you can participate. The 8 October, an initiative called “LIVING” promoted by Senovilla and Artecar24, He encourages us to write about the concept that serves as title to this initiative: “The coexistence”. It is an action that can mobilize hundreds of people and give us a sense of group,… (leer más)