Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Simon Pierro

Simon Pierro and the magic of iPad

Simon Pierro

Simon Pierro represents a new generation of artists “performance”. It is famous for its innovative way to show the illusion in television and multimedia projects using new technologies, in particular an iPad. It has numerous prestigious awards, including in 2.002 Magician of the Year, in 2003 Vice World Champion of Magic… (leer más)

Marco Tempest: The magic of truth and lies (and iPod) [TED]


With three iPods as tools for performing magic, Marco Tempest shows us one clever meditation, surprisingly candid about truth and lies, art and emotion. Una unión interesante entre lo clásico y la innovación, de gran calidad como suelen ser las charlas de TED