Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías skin

Modifiers in Blender : Ejemplo Skin : Character

Vamos a ver cómo podemos construir una superficie de cierta complejidad a partir del uso de diferentes modificadores en Blender. El objetivo no es obtener un modelo final, simplemente abordaremos un sencillo ejemplo de caracter didáctico que servirá de idea básica para elementos más elaborados.

Modifiers : Subdivision Surface [ Blender ]

We have seen how, generally, los modificadores en Blender cambian la representación de un objeto sin alterar su geometría.

Uno de los modificadores más utilizados es el denominado “Subdivision Surface”, que utiliza los modelos conocidos como “Catmull Clark” para suavizar superficies poliédricas con una técnica recursiva muy sencilla.

Modifiers in Blender

The primitives are the basis of the modeling is done by manually editing vertices, edges and facets, or by applying modifiers that apply more or less complex transformations on a set of these elements.

Modifiers are operators that transform an object fit and, or, Topology, nondestructively, namely, retaining its previously defined in the application of modifier. In general what is allowed to operate on the object, preserving original state su, automatically replaces what would have to do a tedious and repetitive form.

Modelling with Blender curtains


Let the modeled, in this case, a window curtains. We will see how to create a basic form that will encourage and in the case of clothing with Blender simulator. To create a more realistic effect add a wind effect that gently push the curtains and we will render with cycles to see the final effect.