Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de agosto 2010

Double images: Group: Advertising Camel: Brick Wall

A new example in which the Laws of Gestalt perceptual give us the keys for decoding an image with double meanings.
The fight between the perception of “the everyday” like a house of an urban landscape and the process of “Equality or equivalence” that give rise to regular patterns grouping, as is the case with the exposed brick wall, make us jump between the two images, city ​​street or advertising Camel.

Proyecto “Neurona”

This post aims to show publicly a development project I am carrying out the social network Twitter. Its purpose is to inform the community that I relate to an activity of scientific interest in which people are participating indirectly you share my space (TL).


8 October 2010 The 8 written on October coexistence: Information Senovilla & Artecar24

New separators for blogs : MELOCIUS

Everyone who writes a blog like promotion in order to gain readers. Melocius is a new initiative that combines a directory of publications with the concept of “social networks”; is an innovative content distribution platform with a scoring system for display prominently in their pages. Bienvenidos… (leer más)