Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de julio 2012

Closed for holidays


Close for holidays, short but deserved.

For a few days we will not post on the blog, but will be back with new images and updated contents of our topics of interest:

Blender and rendered with Cycles
Geometry and technical drawing
And above all, mucha imagen en formato wallpaper.

Environment Texture [ Cycles ] [ Blender ]


Los mapas de entorno permiten recrear un escenario a partir de una imagen panorámica de 360 grados.

Cycles in Blender has a node to create a fund from such images, reflejándose en los objetos que forman la escena.

En el menú “World” podemos definir la iluminación de entorno así como la imagen de fondo o mapa de entorno.

Euro fractura [ Wallpaper ]


The global crisis and, en particular, European crisis can destroy the effort of building a model of society.
The fragility of the euro as a bonding of the countries that have adopted the euro in the process of creating a macro state shakes Europeist effort of several generations.

Scraps on cuts


A social input. Scraps of published images in different media about welfare cuts our country. Scraps showing the anger and pain of a country. The images are accompanied by original texts. Yo no soy como usted El debate entre los candidatos a la presidencia del Gobierno registró una audiencia media… (leer más)

NASA 3D Models


The NASA official pages offer 3D models gallery free use, que pueden ser utilizados en nuestras animaciones. Los modelos se encuentran en diferentes formatos y grado de detalle: Blender, 3DS, OBJ. La lectura de estos ficheros de geometría 3D desde nuestras aplicaciones, You can assume the loss of detail in the… (leer más)

Lights and Shadows : Lamps [ Cycles ]

Luz y sombras

Lighting in Cycles is one of the aspects that differ with respect to the classical shading based on raytracing or raycast.

Point lights, contributing harsh shadows reducing the realism of the images, have given way to a model that approximates the actual light comportmiento a much more measured.

With the new model, Any object can be emissive and therefore act as a source of illumination in the scene.

Textured cubes with transparency [ Wallpaper ] [ Cycles ]


The accompanying model Blender shaders, called “Cycles” allows infinite combinations to create textures and materials, limited only by our imagination and technical knowledge.

Every day I experience with this model surprised me more creative capacity of su, by allowing a few laws combine with a range of varieties immeasurable chromatic and shape.

Chocolate [ Animation ] [ Blender ]

A fluid animation (chocolate) of great artistic beauty with an interesting picture and sound installation that reveals the model used to create photorealistic images.
Like chocolate?
Interesting combination OvniVFX study in which simple is effective.

A test fluid realizable only by experts, desirable from the technical and visual.

Classification Representation Systems

The representation of technical objects is performed by one or more images that are determined by projecting the objects on an imaginary plane.

The display system is therefore defined by the position of said plane and the center of projection.

The position of the object relative to the center plane and can vary its representation, determining convergence in the projection, varying mediated, lines which are parallel in space.