Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Trabajos

Origen de la projective geometry: Renaissance [ School ]

One of the parts of the geometry that is more prevalent in the corresponding representation is descriptive geometry. Among the works that have made my students, some have focused on the origins of the different geometries, like the one I present today which relate historical aspects and characters that have contributed significantly to this field of science of great application to ingeniarías and Art.

Projections and navigation [School]


The specialty of Air Navigation, denominada “Aeronavigation”, the teachings of a specialized aeronautical engineering make use of geometry for making charts.

Students who have made this work are sensitive to it and therefore highlight one of the applications of the teachings they have received.

Mathematical Games [ School ] [ Experimental Blogs ]


Among the items that have posted my students are some who, if not represent exactly the model we have studied geometry, develop the intellect, curiosity and desire to learn.

No less interesting his playful orientation as a means of approach to knowledge, and above all makes us think about other ways to approach them exploiting its foci of interest.

Ellipses and Parables around us [School]


A recurring job type blogs that have developed my students has been the search for and identification of the geometry in all aspects of their daily life, realizing the significance of it.

Conic curves studied in metric geometry section have a high interest in aeronautical engineering studies, and that help describe the trajectories of the bodies under the laws of gravity. Sin embargo, as clearly excel in their jobs, are not the only field of application. The short article that follows, performed by the student group calling itself “The Maze Angle” is a sample of these concerns in relation to the everyday.

The Degrees of Freedom and Constraints [School]

degree of freedom

One of the first concepts we address in the geometry classes is to restrictions and degrees of freedom of a geometric figure. It allows us to quantify the complexity of it and the possible way for determining geometric problems. Mis alumnos han interiorizado este concepto y en sus blogs es un… (leer más)

El Tangram [School]

Among the experiences of using educational blogs we do with our students, I was struck by the number of items that have been included in those aspects “recreational” have been developed with great frequency elements.

The geometry is present in all of them and is a motivating way to approach your knowledge. In this case the group “Able Arc” presents a classic puzzle consisting of elementary steps.

What looks like a fern, the coast and a snowflake?

The work done by my students in educatica innovation projects to improve teaching by incorporating new technologies, I want to highlight one that includes a very topical issue, and transcribe literally. Fue publicado originalmente en sus blogs durante el curso 2009-2010. Fractales por Catetos de la Geometría… (leer más)

Sticks bridges Contest 2011 [School]

As every year, Professor Jaime Rua, junto con la profesora María Jesús Casati nos regalan unas simpáticas imágenes del concurso de puentes de palillos que realizan con los alumnos de tercero de la especialidad de “Airports” technical aeronautical engineering. Una clase en forma de concurso de alto interés pedagógico que cierra un… (leer más)

My students work on the Blog [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

During these days the bridge, I will publish a series of works made by my students in the elective subject “Gráficos por ordenador” of the EUITA of the UPM, as part of an innovative educational experience we are doing, in which incorporate the Blog as a tool for the dissemination of knowledge from… (leer más)