Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpaper

Paseando por Silos [ wallpaper ]

Dando un paseo por los alrededores del Monasterio de Silos he realizado una curiosa fotografia que puede servirnos para nuestro fondo de escritorio.

Un wallpaper diferente en el que podemos ver dos botas que se han usado como macetas, dando la sensación de encontrarse andando sobre el riachuelo.

Las sombras que proyectan sobre el fondo nos permiten ver su disposición sobre la superficie del agua, reposando sobre una ligera estructura que apenas se deja ver.

Scatter [ Wallpaper ]

In the world of image synthesis is used “Scatter” as a verb ( or continuously “Scattering” ) used to indicate “participating media” in making a scene. Participants are means any item that is suspended in the scene and interact with the light changing its path, as dust, steam, smoke etc..

Butterfly [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

A new exercise for our basic modeling classes Blender.

In this case performing a scene is proposed with a butterfly and grass, that can serve to editing a plane to form the wings, applying a texture map to assign colors using a particle system to complete the stage.

Christmas Neuron

We all have a dressed Christmas neuron, we took a walk at this time. A neuron that empathizes with the weakest, disadvantaged, needs sufferers.

Today my Christmas sack to walk neuron as every year. We will put colored lights and tinsel in corners. Dandy up tables and will congratulate friends and strangers. Today it be nice to everyone, live harmoniously in these moments of love and happiness.

Skull [ Halloween ][ Wallpaper ][ II ]


From skull model obtained in the model repository for Blender 3D, we have made a new wallpaper playing with the background color and lighting, reinforcing the contour lines with colors based on red, given special meaning in Halloween night.
You can install the image as wallpaper on your computer, to decorate at this time.

Halloween Ghost [ Wallpaper ]

Like every year, night 31 October we celebrated a party with a unique iconography called terrifying “Halloween night”; also can call “Halloween” or “Night of the Dead”,.

The decoration of these days often take dark dye, people dress up and develop numerous themed parties. Alongside ghosts costumes, vampires, zombies etc., very often carve figures on pumpkins, illuminating from the inside to create unique shadows.

Make spheres [ Wallpaper ]

Working circumferences beams in the plane I got the idea for this wallpaper that recreates the three-dimensional geometric pattern.

A beam fields Parabolic, at a point tangent to the same plane textured glass served to perform this interesting render. We used a checkered texture to define the ground plane and set a reference horizon in the image.

Graphene [Wallpaper]

One of the most important scientists who have throughout this century is the development of new materials with properties that enable innovative application to devices.

Graphene is postulated as one of the most interesting electronic applications that begin to take shape in many laboratories.

Bosque de neuronas Freestyle [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

The new version of Blender suggests a series of tests to determine the benefits of non-photorealistic rendering mode (NPR) called Freestyle.
A forest of neurons may be an organic example of interest to try to rearrange a complex image with the contours provided by this image generation method.

Emission RGB [ Wallpaper ] [ Blender ]

Nueva imagen to be used as fondo de escritorio ( Wallpaper) with minimalist geometric patterns, that has been generated in Blender with Cycles render engine. Diffuse materials have been used (Difusse) for different surfaces, and other emissive character for RGB color areas.

A geometric composition with basic colors can observe the behavior of light when mixed (aditivamente) on the surfaces of the scene