Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de octubre 2010

3D Animation, Text: Transform [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

The text is editable symbolic object that can be represented with different fonts. The parameters that alter their appearance is limited to a few values ​​that globally modify some dimension. Mediante la conversión a superficies de los “objetos texto” se amplian las posibilidades de manipulación. Un texto es un objeto o… (leer más)

3D Animation, Text: Insert and Edit [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Animation software is used in different areas of interest not only to use primordial cover: creating scenes with animated characters; one of the most common applications is creation “input and output masks” in any television or film production; can also be used to compose signage or advertisements…. (leer más)

Boolean operations in solid modeling

There is a technique for obtaining complex volumes from the addition or subtraction of other simpler volumes called “primitive”; operations such solids are known as “Boolean operations”. Primitivas Los diferentes programas de modelado (3D edition) used to create animated scenes and characters, incorporan entre sus herramientas la… (leer más)


Not just a number, today, for all, its 33 stories of overcoming. When we hear this number will return the memory images of some of the most dramatic rescues that have been carried out. Games, videos, noticias y redes sociales han vibrado con el rescate de los 33 mineros chilenos de la… (leer más)

Chile 13-10-10

Florencio, the first Chilean miner rescued at the San Jose mine, near which the camp was generated “Hope”. He has risen to the surface in the capsule “Fenix” in a historic rescue. Congratulations Chile ! With updates: Galería de fotos One miner rescued; 32 to go Joy as first Chile miners freed BBC… (leer más)

Painting with Pastels: Jesus Maria Casati: The pier

Esta obra de María Jesús Casati Calzada se denomina “The pier”. Su atmósfera evoca la neblina producida por la evaporación del agua que es propia de estos lugares a determinadas horas del día. La paleta sobria con colores fríos le aporta una seriedad y presencia que impresionan al espectador. Un halo de misterio que se… (leer más)

Morphing : @ Pequenayuffie Vs @ eva_rodri [ Sqirlz Morph ]

@pequenayuffie Vs @eva_rodri Periodista gallega, now in Barcelona!Interested in Social Media and Web 2.0. Always chasing today! Journalist Iberestudios. Master Cabinets and PR. News on Jobs, Education and Technology. Living in Barcelona, but always Galician! Iberestudios


When receiving mail Senovilla, in response to provocation interesting Angel Cabrera, communicating the project and encouraging me to participate, it was clear. Estaba de vacaciones y me pude a pensar en la idea. ¿Qué podía aportar? No lo sabía, pero tenía claro que hay oportunidades que no se pueden dejar escapar, oportunidades… (leer más)

8 October [and VIII]

Last entry in the series “LIVING” created to remember these last days “morning” tenemos la oportunidad de participar en el evento de igual nombre que nos permitirá aportar un artículo sobre un tema concreto de forma cooperativa. Y digo cooperativo en el sentido de “positive interdependence” ya que el éxito de este acontecimiento depende… (leer más)

8 October [VII]

Penultimate delivery of images to the event for next convovado 8 October. A helix formed by the word “LIVING” representing the multitude of contributions that will be available on-line “girando” en torno a una única palabra. Estamos expectantes deseando ver las contribuciones que van a producirse. ¿Estas preparad@?

8 October [VI]

We are approaching the eighth day of October, and as every one of his predecessors, I remember the event with an image “LIVING” in which you are still in time to participate. Un escrito o una creación que nos recuerde la capacidad que tenemos de hacer cosas en común, de convivir con objetivos comunes…. (leer más)