When we travel and find scenery like we can get several photos of the same place to take a full memory of what we perceive visually. These partial images (limited by the camera lens) can be converted into a panorama stringing the different shots.
A very simple tool to use to read the post met Microsoft Image Composite Editor, creates panoramic images in batiburrillo.net which struck me the phrase
“Just drag and drop images that form the composition program interface. This analysis will address each of them and join them to create a seamless panoramic scene.”
Just drag and drop? By performing a few simple tests we can determine the possibilities and limitations of the tool.
The first operation consisted of a series of photographs to verify the basic operation and results obtained from the software.
In a second phase, and once their usefulness, we proceeded to generate a virtual scenario in which different usage scenarios to simulate and to complete the study.
In anticipation we can see one of the results in the article header image, and built a frame from the virtual stage for the test.
First contact with Microsoft Image Composite Editor
In this first post on “Microsoft Image Composite Editor” basic operation of the software is introduced and later concretaremos detailed analysis with the results obtained in our test bench synthetic.
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The only operation by both, accordance with the spirit of friendliness that seems to offer, has been to “drag” a set of 8 resolution images 4000 x 3000 an “weight” of 2.5 Mb each. After waiting a few seconds (is surprisingly quick operation) the program automatically analyzes the image information and offers us a first composition “in the rough” which clearly overlap or overlapping area is noted between the two images by the jagged edges of the contour. Pictures with a good tripod will give results that accuse this staggering effect significantly less, thereby obtaining a more regular contour and “horizontal”.
This image can be “cropped” (“crop”) to get a new image Rectangle, discarding the outer edges or areas that determine the contour. The cropped image has shifted to 20.300 x 1.600 pixels, subsequently been reduced to 10150 x 800 for publication on this site.
The end result is shown below. If you click on the image, will be the size, where it can be seen that no joint lines or overlap between images are seen.
The software allows some adjustments among which the graphical manipulation algorithm that performs the projection of images; define another aspect may be the way they have been performed, being essentially two schemes that are used: Pictures from a point or along a flat path. It is also possible to make projections on a sphere to generate “immersive environments” use in different applications documentary that will be new items.
The first contact with this tool I was surprised by both its ease of use, execution speed and automatic results. It therefore pays to be explored to determine the possibilities and scope.
Do you want? Do not miss the upcoming articles that will detail its features and will be linked from this page.
continues: Compose Images View: Rotation
If you want to download the software visit the link | Microsoft Image Composite Editor
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