Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Gource: Visualizing Software Version Control History

Interpret information visually constantly. Symbolic representation techniques are becoming more sophisticated and apply to new fields of science and technology.

The use of computers in the process of creating images that serve to analyze complex concepts, allows for interesting visual results, including video sequences that may represent the evolution in time.

During the development of a software application, Project files are created, modified, and deleted by different users involved therein. Performing versions will define or phase advances in the design and implementation of the functionality.

Gource is an application that stores in a database the information on the changes made by different users on the file system and creates an interactive animation that displays this information visually.

Typically as software is developed, incremental changes to files are grouped together as ’commits’ and stored in a Version Control System, maintaining a history of the files changed, by who, and when.

In this film we introduce Gource, a tool to visualize this history, playing it back as an interactive animation.

The animation presented to the “New Zealand Open Source Awards” you can see in the video below. Beauty In the data representation? New forms of communication??

Another example