Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Firefox4 turns your logo into a mosaic of Twitter avatars

FIREFOX Browser is renewed with a new version that adds up several million downloads in its first moments of distribution.

One idea implemented for promotion has been to open a page that is built su logo pixelated avatars on twitter.

He has called “Fiesta de FIREFOX Twitter 4“, and anyone can be represented in this image, appears as a grid 50 x 50 web page. Similar to the large billboards, or pixilated computer screen, perception makes us appreciate one image which shows more than 2000 photographs.


Be part of Team Firefox! Post tweets on Firefox 4 with hashtag #fx4 and your avatar will join thousands of others around the world as part of a mosaic that will shape our logo.

fx4-logo-mozillaThe image is interactive and allows you to read the tweets that generated each user, when you mouse over each avatar.

The color of “sandwich” comic used to view the contents of each Tweet, is the corresponding background color.

To make the logo with avatars of Twitter users who have sent a tweet with the hashtag # fx4, images have been colored with a filter according to their position in the mosaic.

An interesting idea to, although it could be even more complete if the mosaic would generate respecting the “color verdadero” of avatars. This model would be complex live updates, as they incorporate new avatars, as in the promotion page.

?You've signed up to the party?

@ Lavozdeunagata me ha hunted 😉


Link: Fiesta de FIREFOX Twitter 4

