Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

3D Animation, Objects: Edit Vertices [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Edit a geometric model by transforming the position of the vertices, is a routine task in the process of creating objects for animation.

A complex object is obtained from a simple object by adding and removing vertices, well as their spatial displacement.

It should start editing simple elements, gradually increasing complexity.

A training on simple objects can absorb the potential for manipulation of these elements, facilitating learning to use, later, to apply them to more complex models.

To edit vertices we have a simple model, a primitive system (plane, cube, sphere, cylinder).

A first case of analysis can be obtained from a plane, by simple subdivision Square that delimits in a number of parts.

(In Blender select the object, join edit mode pressing “Tab” and press W, to access the menu Subdivision)

Edit mode lets you select an item type at each instant, of the three that can be referenced in the mesh: points or vertices, lines or edges and triangles or faces of the object.

The type of item to be selected depends on the “mode selection” that is active:

Add individual vertices

Subdivision model can be used to divide a region previously selected,

The subdivision is applicable from an edge or two adjacent vertices to the whole object.

Evidently the division of a segment introduces changes in the faces that share, producing a ripple effect to the faces that share.

Selecting the central surface and its edges sudividir, altering the four that are in direct contact.

This effect modifies the surrounding geometry and must be observed in each case.

Division by a plane

There are two stages:

  • Selecting the direction of the cutting plane
  • Plane positioning

To divide in this way, you can use the keyboard combination “Ctr R“, pressing the “control” and simultaneously “R“.

First validate the direction of the section, selecting one that is present when moving the mouse. Graphically represented by a different color line.

The division can be automated to cases in which the operation must be repeated systematically. If available in the mouse wheel, right after selecting with “Ctr R” , be used to increase or decrease the number of sections to perform.

Removing vertices

To delete a vertex or set of, we first select the elements (vertices, edges or faces) containing them and press the key “x” to access the menu associated, which indicate what we want to eliminate.

It seems redundant but it is not at all since the elements are related.

The selection system allows us to activate a single type of entity at the same time, We can select for example the corners but not both surfaces.

For example, may not want to remove the corners and surfaces together containing leaving a wire mesh.

Depending on what you have selected and we indicate that we want to eliminate different effects will occur.

For example, if we select the four corners of the infield, will have different results depending on whether we want to remove vertices, edges or faces:

  • If we remove the vertices disappear all edges and faces that use.
  • If we remove the edges have the same operating logic, disappear the faces that share, but not eliminate the vertices may be that some faces remain.
  • If we remove the faces, be maintained vertices and edges, further respecting surfaces.


We must try to understand the simple elements basic operation of these techniques, and remember that you can always undo operations if they do not produce the desired effect.

Blender Tutorial