Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Madrid is a dump [ Blender ][ Imagen ]

basura_150_150We sometimes use this space for social use image that does not lose its educational.

The images we make to our teaching role, as examples, may contain current information.
In this case, the reason that has led to build the image with Blender has been the rubbish collection strike in the capital of Spain, Madrid.

Containers full of cubes with the logo of Madrid, the bear and the strawberry tree, in a symbolism that reflects the state of some of our streets. An image that conception is not far from reality.

The image resolution can be obtained at 1280 x 1024 clicking with the mouse over the center image, if you want to use as wallpaper. Afortunadamente no huele como los contenedores de la calle y tampoco hay riesgo de que nuestro ordenador pille una infección 😉


The container model “Residential Trash Can” was obtained from a public repository:

This 3D model is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License and is Copyright © 2003-2013 Andrew Kator & Jennifer Legaz. from