Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de marzo 2014

Scatter [ Wallpaper ]

In the world of image synthesis is used “Scatter” as a verb ( or continuously “Scattering” ) used to indicate “participating media” in making a scene. Participants are means any item that is suspended in the scene and interact with the light changing its path, as dust, steam, smoke etc..

Canal de YouTube : Descriptive geometry

Gervalengar YouTube user has an educational channel dedicated to the display of descriptive geometry. In his instructional videos presents descriptive geometry constructions (Representation systems) animated form, showing the spatial patterns and its projection on the planes dihedral classical discipline to address this from a purely visual level.

Introduction to the study of the hyperbolic paraboloid [ Animation ] [ Surfaces ]

paraboloid hiperbolico

The surfaces used in the engineering are different natures. Su classification based on different criteria serves to facilitate understanding and su deduce common groups ellas.
One aspect which differentiates these surfaces is the possibility of generating by straight movement along a curve, or subject to a law of generation. These include the so-called “Hyperbolic paraboloid”

In Memoriam : Adolfo Suarez

Adolfo Suarez, the first president of the Spanish democracy, has been one of the people who have most influenced the regime change that occurs in Spain preconstitucional.
A person of great charisma who knew how to agree to a divided society after a war and decades of dictatorship.

Power Concepts [ Prezi ]

The concept of power is fundamental to solving problems in a structured way and generalization of tangency where angularity.
This concept, initially apply the fundamental problem of tangents, allow us to use a systematic analysis of different cases, because we can reduce the remaining exercises tangent circles to three given to a single basic problem.
In this presentation, made with Prezi, the basic ideas associated with this important concept is.

New version of Blender (2.7)

We are already used to having, periodically, new versions of the popular suite of image editing and animation synthesis “Blender”.
Besides error correction with respect to other versions, substantial improvements in each revision affecting friendliness incorporated, potential of this powerful and efficient tool.
As always, are offered a version “candidate” for consideration before the release of the official version. You can download a copy for your operating system from the official pages

Hand of nefertiti [ Animation ]

Guillermo Garcia presented the short film Carsiel “The Hand of Nefertiti” as an appetizer to the hit movie “The Adventures of Tadeo Jones”, in which two of the characters are entangled in a hilarious sequence worthy of silent films .

Geometría proyectiva: Determination of homologous elements in projective beams

One of the first problems we must learn to work in projective geometry is the determination of homologous elements, both in series and in bundles and in any provision of bases, or separate superimposed.

To continue the study of the methodology to be used will use the dual model the elements based on “points”, ie with straight, further assuming that the bases of the respective beams are separated relate.