Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de octubre 2015

Edit a Python Script in Blender

Blender has a window to edit text that can serve as “IDE” Programming in Python, including line numbering, using colors to distinguish the syntax and the possibility of automatic autoidentación of long lines of text.

Circle of Goethe [Wallpaper]

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, in 1810, wrote his theory of colors (original title in German: Zur Farbenlehre). The chromatic circle for colours by addition of light, based on the RGB model (Red, Green, Blue) It allows us to understand how the components of the color are added for secondary and tertiary colors.

In the wallpaper that we bring today is based on this idea to decorate our wallpaper with an image full of light and, accordingly, Color.

Python executable script in “Info view”

To program with Python in Blender we need to know the programming language and how to implement in your application using the corresponding libraries.

A direct way to go see the commands needed to perform any task is to create and modify objects conventionally (menus and keyboard) and see the commands used in a special window called information “Info View”.

The problem of the spin Center

A rotation in the plane is determined by its Center (spinning) and the rotated angle. This is equivalent to defining three simple data, two for the Center (coordinates “x” and “and”) and one for the value of the angle in degrees in any of the three systems of units that we use, centesimal degree, sexagesimal and radians.

Normally we tend to solve many direct problems in which there are twists in geometry. Give us a figure and we request that, with a true Center, revolve it with a certain angle. Less common is the reverse problem.

A curious piece of technical drawing

One of the classic exercises that start in high school is that of obtaining a three-dimensional model from two or more given views of an object.

Objects or initial parts tend to be basic and composed of flat surfaces. In general, the space they occupy is limited to a small cuboid.

Through this exercise stimulates the so-called “spatial vision” Student, looking to learn how to “read” and “To write” graphically representation of volumes.

The problem of the CAP with three forms

One of the first problems posed in my classes is that call “The CAP with three forms”.

It serves as introduction to the descriptive geometry and forces to make a spatial analysis of great interest for the training of students.

The problem is to determine a plug used to fill three holes that we have made in a wooden box.

Programming with Python in Blender

One of the more interesting capabilities of Blender is the possibility of using Python scripts that extend the functionalities of this open source animation suite.

Blender includes a version of Python in the installation of the software package, Although it is always possible to manually install a new version of Python from page official Python website.

Blender 2.76

Faithful to its usual quarterly appointments, Blender, the popular open source animation suite, It presents a new version in the next updates on performance and efficiency, expand their roles in various aspects of interest.