Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Christmas

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XI) : Tree with snow background [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Christmas tree

Within interpretations abound Christmas themes of Christmas Trees.

Funds capped with soft lighting, dim lights and blue colors due to light refraction in ice crystals.

Branches bare or covered with a thin blanket of winter chill.

An atmosphere that tries to capture this picture you can get in resolution wallpaper 1280 x 1024 pulsando con el ratón.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (IX) : Bolas y espumillón de navidad nocturnos [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Bolas y Espumillón de Navidad

Continuamos la serie de imágenes para nuestros fondos de escritorio de esta navidad 2012.

Here is a simple exercise with what we have seen to model in Blender tinsel, and the use of textures for environments (environments) with Cycles render.

Christmas balls and tinsel ribbons were made Glossy material.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (VIII) : Bolas y espumillón de navidad [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Another classic elements of Christmas decorations is the Christmas tinsel.

Small rectangular pieces of glossy paper twisted on a wire create a reflection effect characteristic of Christmas.
Hemos visto como modelar espumillón en Blender.

A simple exercise and very showy in their results, as you can see in the Christmas wallpaper “Bolas y espumillón de navidad” is presented on this page.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (VII) : 2013 [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

A new year, hopefully, it is full of good intentions. If 2012 completes the cycle of the Mayan calendar, in 2013 we find ourselves in the first year of the new Long Count.

The picture has been made with Blender, renderizada con Cycles con el shader “Glass BSDF”.

We used the typeface for text Kingthings Christmas.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (VI) : Merry Christmas [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Merry Christmas

José Feliciano wrote the song “Merry Christmas” in 1970. The phrase is repeated at this time as a spoken greeting.

La imagen recrea con la fuente Kingthings Christmas (typography) Loving this Christmas phrase, with a snowy background.

Un wallpaper realizado en Blender para vestir estas navidades de buenos deseos nuestra pantalla de ordenador.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (V..) : Pearls [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Pearls partially buried in snow. Foreign bodies are purified into the soft body of molluscs. Objects of desire that are enshrined as luxury trimmings.

Again reflections and glare on porous textures. Forms filled frosted light emanating from multiple directions.

A new wallpaper collection for you this Christmas, as usual, you can get in 1280 x 1024 clicking with the mouse over the center image.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (III) : Christmas Helicoide [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


My hobby, profession also, by geometric structures are reflected in many works.

En particular los helicoides que unen el mundo de la geometría con el aeronáutico aparecen casi de forma automática en muchas ideaciones artísticas.
These days want to design wallpaper with Christmas; glitter, reflected light with mixed colors and rounded shapes. Blender is a good ally, Motor Cycles and works very well in these aspects and transparency of objects.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (II) : Starfall [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


The particle system enables complex Blender sets of objects that are substituted with different geometries in the rendering phase.

From a plane serving as emitting particles from a certain speed has been generated the next image in which we have replaced the particles by a star-defined objects in a group of.

We used a material “Glossy” in stars to create reflection effects and a bright.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (I) : Árbol de navidad [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Árbol de navidad

It was about the month of December and that's a good excuse to try to encourage creativity with a current issue: Christmas.

We will make a set of wallpapers, con Blender, to be changing our desktop background in these intimate dates.

The resolution of the image will 1280 x 1024 points and may be obtained by clicking with the mouse on the same.

The first reason … un árbol. A diffuse background (Blur) that begins to approach the concept.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (XVI) : Christmas tinsel Nest [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


An image made with the technique of raytracing and tinsel building model with the modeling and animation tool Blender. A nest of tinsel with two reflective balls to decorate your desk at Christmas. To see with a resolution wallpaper 1280 x 1024 click your mouse over the image

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (XV) : Christmas Dream House [ Imagen 1280×1024 ] [Postproduction]


A wallpaper from working with Blender in post an image synthesis (Christmas wallpaper with house and snow) designed for this Christmas.

The result has been a fantastic image, befitting a fantasy dream. The central motif is deformed esferizando straight lines, while filters applied to the image granulated breaking its definition and sharpness.