Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Videos

Further Up Yonder - a message from ISS to all Humankind [ Timelapse ]


A beautiful timelapse with images from NASA that reminds us that we have begun to live off planet Earth, in the ISS.

It is the beginning of a long process of expansion in the universe. A first step in the conquest of new spaces in which to live in peace and harmony, between men and nature.

One giant leap for mankind.

Kara Quantic Dream [ Video ]


Quantic Dream is a Studio specialized in motion capture (Motion capture), técnica usada para dotar de movimientos naturales a personajes creados con técnicas de modelado por ordenador.

La animación básica basada en “Key frames” permitia agilizar el proceso de animación, en contraposición de las técnicas “pose a pose” en las que se debe crear cada paso de animación o las basadas en rotoscopia, precursoras de las técnicas de captura digital (al menos conceptualmente).

MPC Prometheus VFX breakdown!


Visual effects (VFX) part of the process of creating almost any film productions.

Logically occur more in those that recreate imaginary worlds, present, past the future, or when the cost of making conventional means exceed arising from the use of complex software platforms animation and compositing.

Allow recreate scenes with great visual realism, using numerous “layers” superimposed image to achieve this end. In the video below, with effect from the science fiction film “Prometheus”, we can see some scenes from the film in which the construction process is shown in the same. An interesting example for our classes computer animation.

Photosynthesis [ Blender ] [ Education ]

Blender is a tool with surprising capabilities. Kelvin Song has created this video to their biology classes using the editing tool, modeling and animation.

A simple animation in which the text is the protagonist, accompanied by a lively band and an elementary render, make this work an artistic reference for scientific and educational publications.

A work that demonstrates how easy it can be effective in many areas of application. Hopefully see more of this level used in the classroom.

Fabrice O. Joubert “French Roast” (2008) [ Animation ]

French Roast

Fabrice O. Joubert (Francia) created this award-winning animated 2008. A French cafe serves as a single stage, with four main characters, to get us a smile.

A businessman who has lost his portfolio is facing the difficult situation of being unable to pay the bill, or seek funding in an ugly way …

Perfect [ Animation ]


Perfeito is a short 3D animation created and directed by Mauricio Bartok 2009 (Brazil).

A minimalist stage with a surreal twist serve to narrate a scene that exudes sensitivity in desperate pursuit of perfection.

A short that has an impact which sees, movement with plasticity and stiffness of the stage.

Cat’s Meow [ Animation ]

Cats Meow

A new 3D animated short for our collection of useful work for the study of visual techniques in synthetic image.
An interesting work by Jorge Garcia 2009 in which, as usual, the script determines the success of a good buzz.

Humor as a basis for this nice work of art school.

Los 12 principles of animation


Disney studies laid the foundation of traditional animation, and its subsequent spread to the world of 3D computer animation. During the early years developed a set of rules to keep in mind in any animation for organic effect of the characters, denominating “Los 12 principles of animation”.

El cerdito Ormie [ Animation ]

Ormie the Pig

A short animation that revolves around a fun character, and cerdito Ormie, and unique strategies to get their prized loot: Some biscuits.

Una historia basada en un escenario simple y un acto repetitivo. With very simple frames but greatly motivate ateción, reinforced with a great soundtrack, Fresh and lively.
A short that has received numerous awards, produced by Arc Productions.

2 optical illusions minutes

optical illusions

A funny video where we can enjoy a set of very colorful optical illusions that fool our brains manage.

Static objects apparent movement endowed, straight lines appear broken, objects appear to be larger than they are, impassable objects … a nice, and a little crazy, paseo by algunos clásicos presentados fun way en only minutes of video.

ROSA [ Animation ]

ROSA is a short animation of Jesus Orellana deestética “Underground” some comics reminiscent of the 80's.

Use the aesthetics “Matrix” little contrast in environments that create a dense atmosphere, almost dark, to develop an argument in which a cyborg must fight to survive.

An interesting audiovisual proposal may soon become a super-production of cinema.