Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Beben y beben, fish ...

But look how they drink the fish in the river but look how they drink to see the God Born and Drink Drink Drink and return to fish in the river to see God born. La Virgen está lavando y tendiendo en el romero los pajaritos cantando y el romero floreciendo Pero mira como beben… (leer más)

In my figure Fund

Figure Fund Fund and my being projected figure represents Between them I'm Perception: Related Gestalt Laws that may interest Two-way Optical Illusions, pon a prueba tu cerebro Ilusiones ópticas de Octavio Ocampo


La wikipedia de PIZ es una imagen retocada a partir del logo de wikipedia, adaptándola al mundo de PIZ, personaje de este blog

Misspellings in history

Are two by two, by the sound of four, three of the six are….The tune plays in the background every time I remember the multiplication table. Oddly I always start by the two (likely to be the first I memorized ) . Similarly, gran parte de la ortografía me la enseñaron con… (leer más)