Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

The problem of the CAP with three forms

One of the first problems posed in my classes is that call “The CAP with three forms”.

It serves as introduction to the descriptive geometry and forces to make a spatial analysis of great interest for the training of students.

The problem is to determine a plug used to fill three holes that we have made in a wooden box.

Programming with Python in Blender

One of the more interesting capabilities of Blender is the possibility of using Python scripts that extend the functionalities of this open source animation suite.

Blender includes a version of Python in the installation of the software package, Although it is always possible to manually install a new version of Python from page official Python website.

Blender 2.76

Faithful to its usual quarterly appointments, Blender, the popular open source animation suite, It presents a new version in the next updates on performance and efficiency, expand their roles in various aspects of interest.

A Boy and His Kite: An Animated Short [NVIDIA]

NVidia is known for making graphics cards of high performance allowing us increasingly surprising imagery in real time.

Looking for information on what's new in the series “GeForce” I have encountered a demo that shows what you can do card “Titan X” with their 3072 cores and 12 GB framebuffer.

Cosmos Laundromat [Blender] [Video]

Blender pulse can be taken with the animation projects around you. Thank you to develop new tools that are necessary in their development and who end up joining in this popular suite of animation. A new project “open” in which anyone interested can get involved is the “Project Gooseberry” You can see on the web pages of Cosmos Laundromat

Blender 2.75

We have not finished assimilating the improvements of version 2.74 popular Blender animation suite and we have a major upgrade. Coinciding with the month of July is just published the link to version 2.75, After a preliminary version “Test” and two “release candidate”.

Diédrico System: Straight lines in a plane parallel to the projection

Under the so-called category “notable lines” plane are those that are parallel to the planes of projection diedricos. These lines are very useful in the operation that we will develop in this system of representation.

Diédrico System: Projection of points in the plane

Can you get from a projection of a belonging to a flat point another projection on the plane dihedral to the full? For example, If give us the horizontal projection and vertical of a plane and a point in the latter as determinaríamos the projection on the horizontal plane?

Sketchfab : ideal for 3D files

Do you want to add a 3D object can be manipulated in your blog? Would you like to share your models with the community? Youtube-as it allows us to watch videos and incorporate them into our spaces of communication, There are tools to share 3D content.
We have seen some repository of 3D models dedicated to the world of space exploration as the “Celestia Motherlode” NASA, You can download these models in some relevant formats.
Sketchfab is a platform to host and share our 3D models, which allows to visualize them embedded in our blog.

Diédrico System: Projection of the plane

A plane is determined by three unaligned points, so adding a new point to a straight line projections can define it. In this case we will give at least two related dimensions on each plane of projection in order to become independent projections of these plans support of representation. We will learn to represent maps and items belonging to them.