Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpaper

Make spheres [ Wallpaper ]

Working circumferences beams in the plane I got the idea for this wallpaper that recreates the three-dimensional geometric pattern.

A beam fields Parabolic, at a point tangent to the same plane textured glass served to perform this interesting render. We used a checkered texture to define the ground plane and set a reference horizon in the image.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XVI) : Emissive geometric Christmas tree [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

Árbol de navidad

A Christmas tree formed by cubes textured, which act as light emitting, and which are the traditional ornament, together with the tinsel and balls, Christmas tree.

The scene is completed with the classic areas (Christmas balls) generating an atmosphere reflective light surround the tree.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (XIII) : Figurative Christmas Tree [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


A Christmas tree made up of stars, traditional decorated with christmas balls. A new wallpaper to decorate your desktop.

Helicoide de esferas con Refracción [image] [Blender]

Pictures taken with two techniques used to determine the visibility of objects in a scene: Técnica de barrido con Z-Buffer Técnica de trazado de rayos como en el Raycast y el Raytracing Su objetivo es servir de base para la formación visual y el análisis de las técnicas de renderizado en imagen… (leer más)

Transparent Spheres II Raytracing

Transparent Spheres II is an exercise in “Raytracing” in which the leading objective specular surfaces. A type lighting “Spot” full color with spotlights illuminating the scene.

Images RayTracing: Spheres with Raytracing [ rendered with Blender ]

Something light for the weekend, RayTracing an image of a scene consisting of spheres and planes, with a high level of recursion and transparency effects with the model “Fresnel”. An example of the beauty of the images you can get free software Blender. Other rendering engines as Yafray (that… (leer más)