Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpapers

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXIV) : Real or simulated? : Christmas Tinsel and nuts on wood [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ] [ Cycles ] [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

Tuerca, tornillo y espumillón de navidad sobre mesa de madera

A new wallpaper which straddles the number of graduates realistic wallpaper “Real or simulated?” and “wallpapers de navidad 2012 – 2013” recreating the work entitled “Nuts and Bolts” adding classic Christmas tinsel made in Blender.

A fund-like embossed wooden table serves to support the tinsel, and nut-screw with balls reflecting an environment map.

Cubos reflectantes con fondo de madera [ Wallpaper ] [ Blender ] [ Cycles ]


Cycles is the new Blender rendering engine. Lets get realistic images using light transport mechanisms.
Testing different options to obtain images of great interest for analysis in courses synthetic image editing, in which our students should seek approximations to the result of some simple examples.