Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Android

Andy (Android) y su novia (VI) [ School ]


Keep coming recent work of creating a character based on Android accompanying Andy on stage that we are preparing.

We found that contrast sharply versions in focus, such as in this case where the character gives a feeling of youth as opposed to Mrs. Andy.

Noteworthy in this design the outline of the body and adornment, shaped necklace pearls, that characterizes this new character.

Andy (Android) y su novia (V..) [ School ]

Lady Android

We have seen different interpretations of the pair of Andy (Android) looking for a minimalist characterization of a new character.

The conceptualization of the genus has been based on the color as the main element, body shape and added some details that have given a “touch” special character:

Andy (Android) in the office with a Mac


Can you imagine Google employees using an iphone? What the Apple with Nexus?

Pass, pueder spend; and certainly would be news to locate a picture of this event.

This is the idea that developed Nikolay Dragoev to perform his new work in Blender for animation course. In previous installments had worked the character, Andy (mascota of Android) and your partner. Now we consider the need for an environment in which to move, like your house, the beach, work ….

Andy House (I) [ School ]

Andy House

Another work of our students on the fifth anniversary of Android. Besides looking pairs of characters or simply mark the anniversary, started to build scenarios for the characters.

A basic environment, a room, with a window that allows us to imagine a more complex serves as the basis for making a new version of the pair of Andy

Aniversario Android (II) [ School ]


We have seen different interpretations of our students on the fifth anniversary of Android.

They have even introduced us to his friends or his girlfriend Dyna.

Imagination has no limits and curious images keep coming in that are constantly evolving mixing ideas from the basic model Andy.

Android Doodle

Las tipografías empleadas en los textos son parte esencial de la imagen de una marca.

Google ha sabido explotar esto modificando la portada de su buscador de forma magistral con lo que ha acabado denominándose “Doodles”.

Como ejercicio de uso de tipografías en Blender se me ha ocurrido diseñar un Doodle con Android, para celebrar su quinto cumpleaños y como ejemplo aplicado de diseño, para motivar a mis alumnos de animación.

Andy and Dyna on the fifth anniversary of Android [ School ]


We celebrated the fifth anniversary of Android with a series of commemorative works in our computer animation classes.

While we have modeled to Andy we have tried to design a partner to keep the unity of style character and complements.

Aniversario Android (I) [ School ][ Blender ]

Aniversario Android

The fifth anniversary of Android has inspired us to model a character, Andy, con Blender. For this reason they have developed different versions as it may have been inventing their partner, by Novia, or create a commemorative picture of the event.

Android girl [ School ][ Blender ]


A new version of the pair of Andy, in this case the feminine version that refers Rubén García Jail.

Draws particular attention to the evolution of the Android Robot antennas, in this case become female hair.

To complete the transformation, from the viewpoint expressive, adds prominent lips and cheeks with rouge.

The body also has formed at the bottom, el acampanando the extreme mode falda.

Andy (Android) y su novia (IV) [ School ][ Blender ]

Chica Android

Una pareja de la NUEVA interpretación of Andy, mascota of Android, which refers in this case Robert Merchan Nicholas, dentro de los trabajos of curso.

Al igual que en el YPFSF of “Andy y sus amigos” empiezan to aparecer escenarios complementan la imagen que un mensaje y permiten if completo, COMO que esta la playa en vemos to Andy y su novia.

Desde el Punto in vista del nuevo del modelado personaje destaca, junto al color, variación en una importante que los volúmenes definen mientras se su cuerpo y Cabeza mantienen ectremidades. Cabe mencionarse también la variación (Inclusion) de la Boca.