Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Introduction to Blender

Introduction to Blender

Animación 3D y Software para animación de personajes: Blender3D Animation and Character Animation Software: Blender

introducción al interface

introduction to the interface

Interface de ventana

Window Interface

Crear Ventanas y Asignar Vistas

Crear y Ventanas asignar Views

Aliasing y antialiasing en Blender

Example antialiasing y en Blender

Blender 2.66a Keyboard Shortcuts

Blender 2.66a Keyboard Shortcuts

Usar una imagen de fondo

Use a background image

Blender “latest build” vs “official build”

Blender “latest build” vs “official build”

Presente y futuro inmediato de Blender : Pelo y partículas

Present and immediate future of Blender : Hair and particles

Change the language in Blender

Change the language in Blender

PIXAR y su Lámpara saltarina, Luxo Jr

PIXAR and jumping lamp, Luxo Jr
